What Are You Thinking About?

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It's a warm spring day, and flowers are in full bloom. Daisy, lilies, and rhododendrons fill Mercury Park. Claude and Ica who met a few weeks ago in this very park, are out enjoying the weather and the radiant smells of spring. They've been getting to know each other and have been enjoying each other's company.

Claudes's laughter rings out scattering honking geese to the other side of the pond. "Okay so, you mean to tell me that you were playing baseball, running to catch the ball not looking where you were going, slammed into the van, and knocked out the entire headlight...with your body? You're so tiny, and how did you not get hurt?" He said, stifling more laughter.

"I'm stronger and sturdier than I look you know! See feel." Ica pulls back her sleeve and flexes her small bicep. Claude wraps his slender fingers around the top of her arm and lightly squeezes. "Oh yes, very strong indeed." He said with a sly smile.

"Claude! Stop mocking me!" She huffs out but can't help but start laughing as well. "Okay, well I bet your not very strong, you are so thin."

"Well, missy, I'm not that thin. You just haven't seen me with my robe off." Ica flushed at Claude's words. He begins to unbutton his long black garment. "Claude! What...what are you doing?!" Said Ica, flushing even more. Relax crazy girl, I'm wearing trousers and a white tank underneath."

"Oh... Ica's cheeks grow hot with embarrassment. As he slides the robe down off his shoulders, she realized that he indeed, isn't as thin as she thought. Rather, his body is very slender. She can see the slight toned curvature of his muscles in his arms and legs. His chest small but defined, even beneath his white undershirt. He curls his arm and makes a fist so that his biceps are tight. With a smirk he says "Okay, now feel my muscles." She gingerly reaches over and curls her fingers around his upper arm. To her surprise, they are firm but not immensely hard, like a muscle crazed man's would be. When she released his arm, he puts his robe back on and buttons it up. "Well okay, you aren't skin and bones but even when people have muscles they can still be weak." She throws him a teasing look. "Which you probably are. "He looks at her with challenging smile on his face.

"Alright fine, I see how it is, but if I'm so weak could I do this?! He grabs Ica and hoist her up in to the air. She lets out surprised yelp as her feet leave the ground. He maneuvers her to where her legs are dangling over his forearms and her head is resting in the crook of his elbow. They laugh out loud until tears form in the corners of their eyes. As their laughter subsides their eyes meet and Ica's heart skips a beat as Claude looks down at her smiling fondly. At that moment his eyes didn't look sad, they seemed bright and warm.

"Um, you can put me down now." Said Ica shyly.

"Oh yes, sorry." Claude replied blushing.

"I guess you proved me wrong...you are strong, BUT to be fair I'm not that hard to lift. Now if you were to lift up an elephant then I would be impressed." She said.

"Silly girl, you crack me up. I think this is the most I've laughed since well...since my... His eyes start to lose that spark Ica saw earlier. Now they are clouding over with grief and pain.

"Claude, are you alright? What are you thinking about? What's the matter?" She said looking up at him with concern on her freckled face. All of a sudden Claude stops abruptly.

"I think I've had enough walking for today. I should be getting back home." Ica's heart drops.

Oh no. What have I done? I hope I didn't make him upset.‟ She thinks to herself. "Claude did I do something? I'm sorry about teasing you I-

"It's not you." His tone is hard and Ica can feel tears welling up in her eyes but this time they aren't tears of joy and laughter. Sighing, he softens his voice and apologizes. "I'm sorry...but please know you did nothing wrong." He walks up to her and brushes away a few tears that fall from her hazel eyes with his thumb. "Ica I really care about you." He says.  "Er...I mean I am happy that we are getting to know each other I haven't had this much fun in a long time. But I just need to get home okay?" He says forcing a small smile.

"Okay." She said in a quiet voice. Can we walk again tomorrow?" She asked quickly trying to hide the desperation in her voice. I don't think I can come tomorrow...but I promise I will let you know when...I'll text you."

"Okay." With one last sad smile, Claude starts to walk in the other direction...and for a minute, she thought she saw a single tear fall from his eye.

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