The Library Book And The Study

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It's about 9:30 in the morning and the sun shines on Claude's face, waking him up. Well that's the best sleep I've had in a long time. He thought to himself, stretching his arms above his head. When he reaches over to to grab a sip of water, he sees the damaged library book he dropped while stopping at the café, The See Through Canary. ‟Ugh, I need to return this book today. Why did I have to go and drop it. I'm probably going to have to pay for it. Begrudgingly, he gets out of bed, gets dressed, and sets out for Seuss Public Library.

When Claude walks through the automatic doors, he immediately heads to the front desk. There are two women looking down stamping books. A black woman, with short blonde hair, and the other one has shoulder length dark hair, and an Indian accent. He walks over to the black woman. With her head still down stamping books she asked, "Can I help you?"

Yes I would like to return this book but the only thing...the woman looks up from stamping and Claude goes still. There is something about this woman that causes him to stare. It's her eyes...she has the same eyes as Ica, except hers are dark brown.

Hello sir...are you there? Why are you staring at me?" He snaps out of his trance and hands her the book.

"I want to return this, but I...I dropped it in a puddle and it's ruined. I know I'm probably going to have to pay for it." The woman thumbs through the book studying the pages. When she's finishes examining it, she closes it back and and looks at the title.

"The Second Mrs. Astor." Well you're in luck. My daughter just finished this book. For book club. After she reads them she donates them here. She really enjoyed it, but then again, she enjoys anything to do with the Titanic." She said in a light voice.

"So I don't have to pay for it?" He asked, relief in his voice.

"No you're all set. BUT next time, you WILL have to pay for any books you damage, just so you know. You got lucky this time but please be more careful in the future.

"I will, thank you." As Claude leaves, the woman gives her co worker, Seema, at the second computer a quizzical look. "Well that was weird, I thought he was going to pass out the way he froze like that."

Seema laughs and says, "Maybe he likes you."


Claude awoke early to tidy up and have breakfast. Liam will be coming over for the second time, for their do-over. Why am I so worried. It's not like he's a bad guy. He's the furthest thing from that . Around 10:20, there is a knock at the door. Alright Claude, relax. He walks to the door and opens it. Just like the last time he has a warm smile on his face.

"Whataya know, it's not raining this time!" He said cheerfully.

Claude chuckled. "Yeah I guess you're right. Okay, how about you come in and this time and I won't kick you out." He said winking. "And this time you really don't-

but before he can even finish his sentence, Liam is bent down taking off his shoes. Glancing up at Claud with a goofy look on his face he shrugs innocently.

"I told you, my wife has me trained." He chuckled

Claude just shakes his head and shows him to the den. "You can sit here." He motions to the arm chair near the window.

"Thanks. Oh! I almost forgot I brought grape scones!" Grinning, he holds up a clear bag full of purple dotted treats. We can have them now or we can wait till after."

"I think after is good. But that's so kind of you. Grapes are actually one of my favourite foods."

"Ha! Score! That sounds good to me.Okay so...I was going to show you some more scriptures if that's okay...or... er...we can just talk about stuff...anything you want." He said meekly.

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