Dancing To The Rythm Of Your Heart Beat

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It's three days after Ica and Claude's wedding and now that they are happily married, they are eager to begin their honeymoon. They have decided to go to Ireland for a week. Ica can hardly contain her elation as she has always wanted to travel there. Claude turns his head about watching Ica zip from one end of the room to the other. She starts grabbing random items and stuffing them into a suitcase.

"Do you even know what kinds of clothes you're grabbing?" Claude said with humour in his voice.

"Well...no, but I'm just so excited! I've always wanted to go to Ireland! And the best part is that I get to go with you! Oh and I get to fly on a plane and..and... oooo I can't wait! Ica stops blabbering and looks at Claude. "Hey...how come you aren't packing?"

"Well for one thing, we're at your house and all my clothes are at my house. We won't be living together until after we come back and put the down payment on the house. You're such a crazy girl. But you're my crazy girl. Come here." Claude said gesturing to Ica. She walks over and climbs in his lap. He wraps her up in an embrace. "Thank you for saying yes. I'm so happy I have you in my life and that you'll be in it forever." Ica positions herself in Claude's lap so she can look at his face.

"I would have said yes a thousand times over." She said softly.

"And guess what."

"What?" Ica asked tilting her head.

"Now you get to have fun saying your own last name." Claude said, bopping her nose with his finger.

"What are you talking about Claude? Are you messing with me?"

"Remember when I introduced myself, and you said "Frollo" was fun to say? Well you're a Frollo now so, well, you get to have fun saying your own last name. And he cooed, leaning close to her face grinning. "I think it sounds pretty good on you." Ica felt her face flush.

"Oh Claude, you wiley old man. I love you." She kisses him then abruptly jumps off his lap. "But, you need to go home and pack! Now go get on with it! Our flight leaves at 2:00.

With a wave of his hand he says, "Okay okay, i'm going. But I unlike you, know how to pack correctly." He gave her a cheeky smile.

"Get outta here!" She cried in mock annoyance as she throws a pair of trousers at him.

"All Claude does is laugh and opens the door to leave, but not without saying, "I love you Ica Frollo."


It's 1:00 and Patricia comes to pick up Claude and Ica to take them to Granulated Airport. It will be their first time flying.

"Are you guys nervous about flying?" Asked Trish

"No! I finally get to sulk in the sky up close!"

"Um...sulk in the sky?" Claude inquired confused.

"Oh, she used to say that when she referred to looking up at the sky while listening to music." Trish explained casually.

"I see." He laughs. "To be honest, i'm actually quite nervous about going on the plane."

"Don't worry, there won't be any snakes on it. Well at least I don't think there will be." Claude just looks at his wife, once again confused.

"Wait why would there be snakes on the plane? Is that legal or safe?"

"Now she is making reference to that movie Snakes on a Plane.Some crazy movie. You know she can be a little...dramatic. Ica stop, you're making Claude more nervous than he already is." Warned Trish.

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