You Are So Special

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It's Monday morning and Ica awakes to the low humming of a lawn mower and the smell of freshly cut grass. She stretches, gets up, and walks over to the window. It's so beautiful out today. She thinks to herself, opening the window. Today she is spending the day with her bible teacher, Morgana. Today is actually their last study before going over the baptism questions. She's been studying for 9 months all the while forming a closer bond with Morgana as well as forming her own relationship to Jehovah.

It's my last study, so why am I so nervous. Shaking off her off worries, she rummages through her drawers and pulls out a white shirt that hangs off her shoulder, and a pair of black trousers. After getting dressed, she heads into the kitchen to have a quick bowl of cereal, which ends up being Captain Crunch Berries, and a spot of oat milk. As she eats, those same worried thoughts come to her. What if I can't do this. What if I upset Jehovah and he leaves me...or worse...I leave him. In that moment, she's startled by the oh so familiar sound of the Promised Neverland opening. When she glances over she sees Morgana's face pop up on her phone. She grabs for it frantically spilling her cereal bowl in the process. "For the love of! She yells out loud." She answers the phone trying to act casual. "Hi Morgana." She said, cleaning up the spilled cereal.

"Hi, how are you?" She asked in her soft spoken voice.

"Oh I'm great, never better." Morgana's isn't fooled by Ica's false claim of being okay.

"Hmm okay, well I will be there in 5 minutes. Okay?"

"Okay, I'll be waiting." Ica replied trying to shake off her nerves.

True to her word, Morgana arrives within 5 minutes. Ica grabs her bag and keys and runs out the door. As she gets in and fastens her seatbelt, she takes a deep breath, but then realizes that Morgana is looking at her with concern.

"Ica, are you alright you seem a bit frazzled. And don't say you're fine because you can't fool me, I know you far too well." She gives Ica a mischievous smile. "You can tell me anything, you know that." She smiles warmly at her.

"Okay, here's the deal. I'm...worried that I won't be able to hold up my end of the bargain." Morgana looks at her quizzically.

"Your end of the bargain?"

"I mean, what if I mess up and Jehovah leaves me or...I leave him." She said looking down at her lap. "What if I'm not good enough." Morgana reaches over and lifts Ica's chin with her hand.

"Look at me, I've seen you grow over these past 9 months. When I first met you, I could see all the pain you were carrying with you. The scars you carry." Ica instinctively clutches her arm where old self harm marks stain her skin. Morgana notices this and says, "Not just those scars but the ones inside too." I know your mums, and Kalista are happy that you've come to know Jehovah. Now you get to be joined with them in pure worship. We are all going to have our mess ups sometimes, the older I get the more I seem to make goofs and I picture Jehovah up there shaking his head at me." She's admits chucking. Ica chuckles too. "I guess what I'm saying is we are all here to help one another, and support one another. And if it gets hard what can you do?"

"Pray to Jehovah." Ica answeredmeekly.

"That's right, pray to Jehovah." She gives Ica's cheek a soft stroke and turns her attention to starting the car. "Alright how about we get this show on the road."


Once they arrive a Eltsac Castle, Ica's eyes grow wide with aŵe. "Wow this is AWESOME! I have to explore EVERYTHING!" She yells running around taking in everything in she can. Morgana can't help but laugh at her bible student. "But ...I guess we should do our study first shouldn't we?" She said, realizing that she got a little carried away.

Amused Morgana says, "Yes, that would be the wise thing to do. Come on you." She said smirking at her. She skips after Morgana and follows her up to the sitting room. "So, I bet you want to sit by the window don't you? Ica nods eagerly. "Haha okay, just make sure you pay attention." Shooting a wink.

"I will promise!" Ica said.

"Well here we are, the last chapter. Are you ready?"

Ica nods slowly. "I'm ready."

When Morgana opens to the last chapter she laughs out loud. Puzzled, Ica gives her a look. "Um Morgana...what are you laughing at? But then when Ica opens her book she looks down and she too begins to laugh. The last lesson they are about to discuss is. "Am I Ready?"


After their study, Morgana and Ica finally do some exploring around the castle. As they walk Ica's face is confident and at ease. "I am actually quite excited about going over my baptism questions...well I mean I'm happy that I am taking this step to get baptized."

I'm happy you are taking this step too. And I'll be right there in front of the pool to see you." She said smiling down at Ica.

"Oooo look! These trees are huge!" Ica cried rushing up to get a closer look. "Oh and look at this view oh and can we go up there to the top Morgana? And...and...

Laughing out loud Morgana says, "Of course we can but just go slow...I'm not as young as I used to be." With that, Ica runs up to Morgana and embraces her.

"You are so special to me." She whispered.

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