Dates, Grapes, And A Song

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It's a bright sunny day, and a few white puffy clouds float across the light blue sky. Ica wakes up laying on her back looking up at the ceiling. After revealing to her friends, and then to her parents that she and Claude had feelings for each other, and would like to start dating, she has been going through a plethora of emotions. Her mums, and her best friend took it well. Even though they had ill feelings about Claude in the beginning, they realized that she was an adult and despite how they felt, it was ultimately her decision. Not only that, but after Claude had opened up about his tragic pass, they began to see despite that, he is turning his life around and finally found that there are people out there who cared about him. Today would be Claude and Ica's first date together. Jo, her adopted mum, will be joining them as a chaperone. As she stares up at the ceiling above, she hears her phone vibrate on the night stand. It's a text message from Jo.

Mummy Bears: Hey hon what time do you want me to pick you up?

Ica: I told Claude I would meet him at 12 o'clock at Mercury Park. I thought it be funny to have our first date in the park when we first me. And not secretly this time.

Mummy Bears: LOL that's funny come and pick you up at 11:30?

Ica: Okay love you.

Ica puts her phone back down on the table, and temporarily puts her face in her hands. Alright I have to find something to wear. Ica rummages through her drawers. I'm not doing the dress fancy for your first date thing, that isn't me, I want Claude to see the real me. Finally, she pulls out a light purple translucent top with gold stars on it. And over that, she throws on a dark purple tank top. Out of her closet, she pulls out black sequin capris with tiny ripped designs on them. She throws on a pair of yellow moon earrings, and parts her thick curly hair down the side held in place with gold bangles. Lastly, she throws gold star stickers on her freckled face. "Can't ever go wrong with stickers." She says aloud. Okay Liam said he liked grapes...maybe I'll bring some with me. Ooo and I can bring a ball...wait will he be able to play with a ball? All of a sudden she laughs out loud. Well I guess I'm thinking of his age. I'll bring it with me anyway. Still laughing.

Not long after she gets dressed and packs up the grapes and the ball, her phone vibrates, with a text from Jo saying that she's here. Ica grabs her pack and heads out the door. When she gets into the car, she looks at Jo with a goofy grin on her face. "I have butterflies mum." She said giving a slight laugh. "I remember the second time I saw him, he made my heart skip a beat...and I didn't even really know him. In fact I didn't know him at all."

"Well that's what love will do to you. It makes you feel all these different types of emotions. It's normal." Explained Jo.

"I know." She said laughing again. "It's funny, I never thought I would ever be in a romantic relationship."

"Sometimes we surprised ourselves." She said winking.

"Hey so guess what. I brought a ball with me so we could play catch." Said Ica.

"A ball...okay you think he will be able to play catch?" Ica bursts out laughing.

"That's what I thought at first too...but I don't want to but him in the "he can't do this because he's in the old man category." Like you said, sometimes we surprise ourselves." She said grinning.

Before they know it, they arrive at Mercury park. Ica doesn't see Claude yet so she and Jo take a seat on one of the smooth wood benches.

"Hey I just realized that Claude needs to meet the fur dibbuns. And I have a feeling Mau Maus isn't going to appreciate that." She said smirking. Jo laughs.

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