We Turn Our Backs Then Turn Back Around

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It's a crisp and cool day. Summer has ended and the first touches of Autumn fill the air. Ica lies in her bed, staring up at the ceiling. She hasn't heard from Claud in about two and a half weeks. Although, she had been on the verge of reaching out to him several times but she decided that if she bothered him, he might pull away more than he already has. Her best friend, Kalista, is the only one she has told about her meeting up with him for walks in the park. She was a little weary of the situation seeing that Claude is worldly man.

Phone Conversation Last Week

"Okay first off, you shouldn't be alone with a person of the opposite sex unsupervised but I'll get to that in a minute. So you said you were going along just fine and then he just said he had to go home?" Kalista asked.

"Yup we were having a great time and we were laughing and then he lifted...she trailed off not wanting to go into that moment they had with her in his arms. "I thought I did something wrong but he said that it wasn't me, but he looked so sad and he started to say something about not having this much fun since...I don't know."

"What do you mean I don't know?" Kalista said, weariness in her voice.

"That's the thing, he wouldn't tell me but he got all weird and then said he had to go."

"Hmm well that's strange...where does he live and what does he do? Does his family live around here? His parents or anything?" Asked Kalista.

"Yeah, he doesn't work. And his parents I don't think are...around. I never asked about his family."

"Why doesn't he work? Hopefully he isn't a bum or something."

"Well uh see...there is a good reason he doesn't work... Ica said nervously. "He's...well he's retired. Ica said, cringing on the reaction that she knows is about to come.

"He's WHAT?!" Kalista yelped, shock and confusion in her voice. What in the...HOW OLD IS THIS GUY?!"

"Ica waits a few seconds before answering wishing she hadn't even brought up the subject "He's 66." She finally confessed.

"Omg Ica what are you doing hanging around with a 66 year old man...are you insane?!"

"No...well uh...you see what had happened was...alright I know what you're thinking but..."

"There's no uh uh but." You are supposed to be studying and growing closer to Jehovah. This doesn't reflect well on him. And it's not even about the age difference which, DOESN'T help things, but it's the fact that you have been meeting up with a man unsupervised. It isn't appropriate. Did you mention this to Morgana?"

"No so far I just told you...I didn't know what to do I needed to tell someone and you are my best friend so I thought..." She looks down at her pillow trying to find the right words but none come. She hears someone talking in the background to Kalista. She gives a long exasperated sigh.

"Look I have to go, Wes is calling me. We're headed out to a game. Ica I can't believe you, she said in a serious tone. We will be finishing this conversation though. Okay talk to you later."

Ica hangs up, and plops back down on the bed and grasp her head. I knew I shouldn't have said anything. But she's my best friend. But I had to tell someone.


Two days after her phone call with Kalista, Ica decides to distract herself by doing a couple of workouts. When she's done, she goes back up to her room and notices that she has a text message.

It's from Claude. Her heart skips a beat.

Meet me at the bridge at 3:00. We need to talk. She put her hand to her face.

Oh great...I hate that phrase.

3:00 comes and Ica is apprehensive about her talk with Claude. As she approaches, she can see him waiting for her on the bridge looking extremely troubled. "Hi" She said nervously. You wanted to talk to me?"

"I did. And please know that...I think you're wonderful and you make me happy...but I don't think I'm good to be around. I'm not who you think I am...and you just shouldn't be around me." Immediately Kalista's words come back to her mind.

"What are you talking about? Not good to be around? Is it because of our age difference? In my opinion age is a number. Yes we're 36 years apart but if I recall, there isn't an age limit for walking with someone in the park."

"No it's not that, but now that you mention it...maybe you should be hanging around someone your own age too. Why would you want to hang around with me anyway. I'm 66 years old. Claude said.

"Uhh BECAUSE I have fun with you. You make me really-

Before Ica could finish her sentence, Claud interjects.

"Ica I've done things! Things you wouldn't like...you have such a big heart and if anything were to happen to you because of me, I wouldn't be able to live with myself!" He said forcefully.

"What things have you done? You can tell me, I won't judge you." Ica said encouragingly.

"That's not important, you just need to forget about me...there are better people out their to be friends with."

Now Ica is livid with anger at hearing Claude's words. She bounds toward him and grabs hold of his long black cloak and yanks him forward. "LISTEN TO ME! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO JUST TAKE THAT ANSWER! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO JUST LET YOU WALK OFF! HOW CAN I DECIDE IF I WANT TO LEAVE IF YOU DON'T TELL ME WHAT'S GOING ON!" By this time hot angry tears are streaming down Ica's face. Claude carefully pries her hands off of his robe and leans down to look her in her eyes. He smiles slightly and he says in a soft sad playful tone,

"You are strong aren't you. This time it was you who nearly lifted me off my feet." Ica stands there, anger replaced by anguish. He gently tries to wipe her tears away but she takes his hand and slowly pushes it away.

"I'll miss you." She murmured, head down. "But if this is what you want...I won't try to stop you anymore." She tells him, her voice low and thick with sadness. Tears now falling from his dark gray eyes, he whispers in her ear, "I'll miss you too." He turns his back and walks down the path, but not without taking a glance back at Ica...who turns around and begins to walk in the opposite direction, wiping away the last of her tears with her forearm.

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