Deatails And May I Have Her Hand

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Disappointed that their date is over, Claude hugs Ica good bye. It's a rather long embrace, as they enjoy the warmth and comfort of each other's body's. Before pulling away, Claude gently kisses Ica on the cheek. She blushes and looks down. After a couple of seconds, she looks up at him and his cheeks are flushed as well, but he is smiling.

"Come on woman!" Jo calls from the car park.

Ica skips to the car merrily and climbs in. When Jo gets in and fastens her seatbelt, she notices Ica staring dreamily into space. She pokes her in the arm a couple of times.

"Earth to Ica, helloooo." She turns and looks at her mum with that same goofy face. "Well I see that you obviously enjoyed yourself."

"I really really like him mum. Can we have date #2? Like really soon? I want more time with him."

"Hmm, well I have Jenna and Benji, coming this weekend. Can mum 1 or Kalista be your chaperone?

"No they're busy." But it's okay. I'll find someone...or maybe Liam knows someone. Just make sure to give Jenna and Benji my love. Mum, I really really like him."

"You said that already."

"Oh I did?"

"Yes, she said laughing.

"Oh...but it's true that I really REALLY like him." She said grinning.

Jehovah they give me strength with this child. She said inwardly, putting her hand to her face, shaking her head. But she can't help but look at her daughter with love as she watches her stare dreamily out the window.


After Ica gets home she flops back down on her bed, feeling in a state of pure bliss. Not long after, her phone starts to buzz. No one other than Kalista. When she answers, Kalista waste no time.

"Alright I need details. How did it go?"

"Amazing." She said, her voice dreamy."

"You gotta give me more than that."

"Kalista, I really really like him, and I probably said that like ten times today but I do. First he brought me flowers, and sparkling water."

"Sparkling water?" She said tilting her head.

"Yeah, in a wine bottle because he said it looked more romantic. Then we took a walk around the park...holding hands!" She gives a little squeal. I love his hands they are so slender and perfect and warm and smooth and-

"Okay I get it! What else?"

"We played catch with a ball I brought."

"Only you would bring a ball on a date. How'd he do? I mean he's not Christopher's age...heck he's not even Wes's age if you get my drift." She said with a smirk.

"I know what you're thinking and I thought the same thing too, but he did fine. I was worried that I would tire him out." She admits chuckling. But he said he was fine and even did a bit of sword fighting.

"Uh sword fighting?"

"Yeah I know right!" And then we sat down on a picnic blanket and he put his head on my lap and I fed him grapes, just like in the movies. And I played in his hair which I also love. It's on the thin side but it's soft and silky. I especially love it when it's all disheveled it's so sexy. OH! And he sang to me!"

"He can sing?"

"Those we're those my words exactly!"

"But his voice is beautiful. He sang me a wonderful ballad, Anchor. He said he was thinking of me when he wrote it. Then... then he almost kissed me."

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