Chapter 17~ Addiction

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edited ( frim b4 i went out... )
yal i was suppoed to pist this befote like three hours ago but then i went our wit my aunts and we got fun 🚬 if yk what i mwan 🚬😍🤤😏 but i got u stink stink i'll post this RIGJT NOW instead of waiting for tmr caude who likes tmr 😒😒 not me. period.  i love you pookie remember thAt



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Alessio Morana

I take another drag of my cig as I close my eyes and lean against the wall, a cool breeze brushes past me as I think about how bad the thing I hold in my hand is but then continue to breathe it in.

I want to quit, more then anything but I fucking can't, it might be my weakness or fear of failure that keeps me from trying to quit it everyday but the biggest thing stopping me is myself.

Nicotine runs through my system and I exhale the smoke out into the air as I let out a sigh, growing up in a house where your mother had forced drugs and cigarettes upon me starting at the age of 9 was the cause of this, at the beginning it was only me, but when she started forcing this upon my little sister Gia is when it got worse.

I made sure Gia never even looked at that shit growing up and as much as I love my father he wasn't there to do it for me. He was always gone doing mafia shit, raids, missions, travelling and we barely saw him.

So it was me that had to keep my baby sister safe, at nine years old I was sitting there as my mother forced her addictions upon me to make her feel better about herself and to save Gia from this I took her share of the torture.

Grant came over when we were 13 and he found me on the couch about to overdose on the shit my mother had injected into me and if it weren't for him that day I wouldn't be alive, after that Grant began calling me all the time, texting me to make sure I was fine and bringing Gia and I food every night after that because he knew my mother was in no state to make any for us.

Grant is the only person who has stuck by me since the day we met and thats why we're so close today, he treated Gia like his little sister and he grieved just as much as I did when she was murdered, he was just as angry as I was when we found out what happened and who did it and the pain of his own family being murdered didn't do anything to calm his anger.

Grant was the one who helped me get my drug use in check after Gia died, Grant was the guy that I called whenever anything happened and he always will be.

A few years later when I was 15 dad came home to find me under the influence in my room and he sat with me, telling me that I was to never touch that shit again and I no matter how many times I told him that it wasn't by choice, he never believed me.

Mom and dad never had the best relationship but that didn't change the fact that dad still loved her, always took her side and I believe that to be the reason that my sister isn't standing beside me today.

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