Ep 11

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I enrolled a dance studio. "OMG! You are Amy's boyfriend right!?" Few girls and boys surrounded me. I awkwardly smiled and nodded.

"Next up, Niki show your assignment" The leader asked me to do the solo I had to prepare for my first day.

I started dancing and ended smoothly.

"WOW! Niki, that was great. Can you teach us too? We can upload it our channel this week" The leader asked. I happily accepted it.

I immediately called Amy.

"Amy, guess what?" I happily asked her. "Wow, someone sounds happy what's it?" She asked.

"My dance got selected for the week's upload" I said.

"WAH! REALLY!? OMG!" She started squealing and yelling on the phone. I could sense that she is jumping while her makeup artist is busy putting on her make up.

"AWW!! They are so cute" those same people came to me as they heard me and her talking. I awkwardly bowed and went out.

I feel like I have become center of attention because of dating Amy.

Every place I go is filled with her fans. I feel so proud of her. As so many people know her. I wish one day, I make it big as a big choreographer for a big idol groups.


It was night. I played on some music and started practicing dance.

"Wait, it's 1...2, 3-4!" I looked my steps in the mirror. Suddenly my eyes landed on the rent due notice.

"Oh! I forgot" I immediately took out the money and went to the owner of the house. 

"Hello Sir, Sorry for the delay. I will pay on time next time" I said giving out the money.

"Oh! Niki, your girlfriend payed it already" He said. "Amy?" I asked confused. I never told her about my rent.

"Of course Amy! She even signed a autograph for my daughter" He proudly showed a photo of hers with her autograph.

I immediately called her. "Amy! Did you pay the rent?" I asked.

"Oh! Yeah I did" She replied with stuffed mouth.

"Why!?" I asked as I felt a little angry. "It's ok, don't feel like I am looking badly at you, that money is cutted from your 2 months salary" She said. I giggled as she stated that.

"How did you know that I will get offended?" I asked her.

"Well, Sorry for not saying but I treasure my money too" She said. I smiled at her goofy words.

"You are annoying, do you know that?" I asked her.

"Yes!" She replied. 

Somehow she ends up keeping a smile on my face every end of the day.

"Amy, I am feeling strangely towards you recently. Am I falling in love? Is it ok to fall for you?"

To be continued...

Boy For Rent: You're my Celebrity | Niki Ver.Where stories live. Discover now