Yet another notice(look, I'm really sorry)

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Hey, so I know you guys were expecting another chapter here instead of another notice, and I'm sorry about that.

Life hasn't been too easy the past few weeks. My term grades came out and were not very good, and for an asian kid who bases their entire self worth on their grades, I have not been having the smoothest of rides lately.

Anyways, I'm not putting this story on a hiatus again, because despite my current lack of motivation, I still want to keep writing this, because I genuinely like this story that I've made and it would be a shame for it to end.

I'm not gonna promise any new chapters for next week or something like that, because I'll probably just disappoint you guys again, but I will still try my best to put out as many chapters as I can, even if that is once every month or something.

For now, apologies for the lack of new chapter, and thanks for sticking through with me.

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