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Tolkien's POV (oooh, interesting and new ik!):

I walked next to Clyde, half heartedly listening to him talk about how he was the hottest in elementary. Clyde was a very close friend of mine, don't get me wrong! But I don't really dig listening to him lather himself with compliments hoping I join in. Which after a bit I did.

"What is it?"
"Well I'd expect seeing them at school." I laughed. Which Clyde glared at me and ran towards the two that are painfully blind to each others love.
I'm pretty sure the whole school knows they have a thing for one another and I think almost everyone is getting annoyed they aren't just dating already. If people don't know about them having a thing for one another they highly suspect it. Rightfully.

"Hey Tweek, hey Craig!"
"Hey Tolkien, hey Clyde." Craig responded, having a distracted Tweek stand close to him while drinking coffee out of his signature thermos.
Tweek was very hard to distract unless he felt safe, then you could distract him easy. It often stopped his safe feeling and put him on edge.
Plus it was frankly, hard as hell to get Tweek to feel safe. When he did, you had to send a quick silent thanks for whatever god you believed in. But while our group used that as a joke, other people weren't so nice about Tweek's panics.

I do truly believe that Clyde, who has every girl hanging off of him, me, who is the rich kid everyone wants to get close to, and Craig, a monotone emotionless looking 'hotie' to girls, is being Tweek's friends kept him a bit out of the gutter.
Plus, we all enjoyed hanging out with Tweek! Some people, Craig, enjoyed it more than others. But that was never a problem! That was just our friend group being us.

The bell rang pretty soon, spreading our group into our own ways. Well, me and Clyde had gym together first hour, Tweek had English, and Craig had Science.
As me and Clyde walked together towards the gym, I saw Tweek and Craig leave together. Us saying our goodbyes for the next hour or two.

"When do you think they're gonna get together?"
"Hopefully soon, man. It's so sad watching them drool over one another but refuse to accept and acknowledge the other loves them."
"I know! It gets a little bit annoying too. I just want them to kiss already!!"
"I know Clyde, believe me, I know. But we have to be patient, we can't rush their relationship!"
"I knowwwww! But that's so boringggg"
"Psh. I know."
Mine and Clyde conversation was cut short from the gym teacher yelled at us to do laps. Fucking hell.

Thank god first hour went by fast! I wiped the sweat off my forehead and panted softly. Then straightening my posture.

"Glad today's Friday-eve?"
"You mean Thursday?"
"Yeah! Friday-eve? The night before Friday?"
"I get the joke. Just think it's a bit stupid."
"Nothing against you Clyde, you're very smart."
"Why thank you!"
"Now let's go, if you get another tardy you'll get yelled at. I don't want that."
"Fine fine!"

I smiled. Me and Clyde made our way to the red-floored hallway before parting.
My next class I had alone. History. I personally liked learning about present matters not past ones, so I didn't particularly favor this class. But I dealt with it. It wasn't all so bad.

The bell for lunch rang, I quickly grabbed my stuff and walked out of the classroom.
"Sorry Clyde, I thought you'd already be gone, you're usually so quick to leave for lunch."
"Yeah, sorry, me and Scott were talking about building more characteristic on our superhero with guns for hands!"
"I can't believe you and Scott have remembered that character for so long."
"I can! He's amazing! Guns for hands, fighting bad guys!! It's all you could want!"
"I thought you were talking about Scott for a second there!"
"Well, he's amazing too but, our character is better than anyone!"
"No offense."
"I was joking at first but now I'm gonna take offense."

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