Chapter Fourteen: Ketchup

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"Hey, Ally," Lance called from the practice room.

"Yes?" Ally yelled back. "Could you put some ketchup on the fries? I hold a grudge against plain salted fries."

Ally rolled her eyes, then reached over the counter to reach for the ketchup bottle. Austin's eyes widened as she reached for it. "WAIT WAIT ALLY NO-"

An ear-piercing scream came from down stairs, making everyone in Sonic Boom jumped, even the customers. Kathryn, Trish and Lance rushed out of the practice room and looked over the railings to see what was going on. Immediately, the three of them grinned at the messy sight.

Austin and Ally were a mess.

They were covered in ketchup. Ally had her moth wide open, an expression on her face saying ''what in the shit" while Austin had an expression that said "well damn". Kathryn seemed to find this more hilarious than everyone else who stared at them. She whistled, trying to catch Austin's attention.

He wiped the ketchup off of his eyes, looking up to her. She was grinning. "That ketchup prank was meant for me, I assume?"

Austin rolled his eyes. The customers stepped away from them and away from the ketchup mess. The three of them came down and walked to them, but making sure to distance themselves from the mess as well.

"You smell nice, Ally." Trish said, trying not to laugh. Ally tried to wipe the mess off her face, glaring at Austin and Kathryn.

"What!" Kathryn grinned. "It's not my prank!"

"You know," Ally started to say, squeezing some ketchup out of her hair. "Now that you two are getting all mushy and flirty, I assumed that the horrible pranks would've stopped by now." She said, disappointed and mad at the both of them.

Kathryn grinned at Austin as he tried to wipe the ketchup off of his face as well. "I'm going to take a guess here and say that was to get back at me for last week's prank, I pressume?"

Lance laughed as Ally almost slipped on the ketchup, Trish helping her. "Which prank, Mikaela?"

"The one where she filled the floor of my entire house with cups," Austin grumbled, glaring at Kathryn. "I was stuck in my house for three hours."

"That took me two hours to do," Kathryn tried to look sad. "And I even color-coded each room just to make you happy. You should be praising me."

"Seriously," Ally said. "These pranks are getting way out of hand,"

"Ever since that whole snogging incident," Trish said, shooting accusing looks at the both of them. "These pranks have gotten a lot more frequent."

"You're frustrating Ally again," Lance said, trying not to laugh as he watched Ally almost slip again.

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