Chapter Fifty Seven: Mushy

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"Wait, what?"

"It's okay. I don't expect you to say anything, not anything as equally romantic and mushy as me pouring my heart out to you." Austin said, his voice suddenly so gentle, his eyes suddenly seeming more loving on her. "I don't expect you to say anything at all. And I don't need you to."

She didn't know whether to smile or cry. "But Austin, I-"

She was interrupted, his lips suddenly smashing onto hers. He put his hand behind her neck, his other arm wrapping around her waist, pulling her closer to him. She melted into the kiss, suddenly no longer feeling tense. They parted, their foreheads together, hands still where they were. "I don't need you to say anything," he said in a low voice, their eyes both half-lidded. He kissed her forehead, looking down at her. "I just want you to know that maybe, I already do."

Kathryn closed her eyes in frustration, and suddenly her breathing got a bit faster. She had no idea what she was supposed to say.

"You just 'like him', huh?" Trish said, elbowing her and giving a smile.

"Don't give me that," Kathryn said, elbowing her back. "Kath why don't you just admit it."

"Because. I'd be making myself a bit too vulnerable to all the unnecessary boydrama. I'm not stupid enough to do that,"

"Jeez you're so cold."

"I'm not. I just can't handle it."

"Well what if you find out he's already inlove with you?"

"Then I'm sorry, I can't ever return his feelings."

That was enough to make all four of them shut up.

"What was I supposed to say?" she asked herself.

Suddenly the door flew open, a laughing Nicole walking in. She was talking to Trish, but then they both saw whatever was going on, their laughs tuning down. "I see we've stumbled upon another one of those mushy moments of yours," Nicole smirked.

Austin let his hand fall from her cheek, his other one still around her waist. He smiled at them lightly. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Whatever." said Trish. She pulled out her phone, showing him a text. "Anyways, Austin, you're sort of needed at Starr Records."

His eyebrows scrunched together. "What for?"

"The huge concert in three weeks?" she said. "The one you're supposed to have a collaboration with some internationally famous female popstar I surprisingly still have never heard of?" then she laughed, pocketing the phone, and while she did, "Apparently this girl's kind of a huge deal like almost everywhere. And I mean, everywhere. I literally cannot go anywhere without hearing her name,"

"What do you mean?" Austin asked, letting go of Kathryn's waist and holding her hand instead, tightening his grip. They were both nervous.

"Her fan base is like- huge. And I don't mean huge like "eh okay. ten thousand fans aw so cute" I mean Taylor Swift, One Direction, Justin Bieber fan base huge." Trish said, exasperatedly. "And since you're kind of like, almost at the top, like the second Bruno Mars and Chris Brown, the fact that you're having a concert with this popstar is now a huge deal for everybody. Like two different worlds collide." Trish kept on ranting and ranting, all the more that made the both of them nervous, even Nicole.

"The huge teen king and queen of pop and punk rock having some concert that will somehow maybe prove to the world that forever exists and unicorns are real." She kept explaining. "You're having a concert with the teen queen of punk rock in three weeks. Aren't you excited?" she smiled.

"I'm ecstatic." Austin said, a bit sarcastic. Trish noticed, elbowing him. "Oh come on! The teen king of pop finally gets to meet and have a concert with his long-lost teen queen. Of punk rock. Surely that's something you should be excited about."

Austin was about to answer, until Kathryn held his hand tighter, answering before him. "She's right, yknow." Surprised, Austin and Nicole turned their heads to her, only to see her lightly smiling up at Austin. "This is huge for you. And for her. Whoever she is. This is pretty much good news. Bigger fan base, bigger income, more news spreading, and so does the publicity. You'll make it big." Austin looked down at her, still surprised on how she took it, smiling. He lightly smiled down at her as well. "That's definitely something you should be happy about."

He only smiled lightly at her, the dazed smile she new she most definitely loved. He put a hand behind her head and placed a kiss on her forehead, a long one. "You and I have a lot more things to talk about," he said, looking down at her so lovingly. She only nodded.

He let go, walking toward the door. "Alrighty. Let's go."

Trish followed him out the door, making a face. "Alrighty?" she repeated. "Since when do you use that phrase now?"

Their conversation started to get more quiet as they walked down the stairs and out of Sonic Boom. As they did, she watched them go, with a small sad frown on her lips.

"Mind telling me what that was all about?" Nicole asked, leaning against the wall.

"I kind of really don't want to talk about it right now." she admitted, scratching the back of her neck.

"And I also do not care," she answered. "I am your bestfriend and I have made it my obligation to butt and stick my nose into your business. So spill it, Mikaela. I don't really have all day."

She slumped into the bean bag chair, letting out an exasperated sigh, feeling even more frustrated. "I blew it," Kathryn muttered, staring into the floor.

"Come again?" Nicole asked.











"Okay." Kathryn breathed out, feeling even more exasperated.

"So, are you going to tell me?" Nicole asked, sitting beside her on the fluffy cotton carpet on the floor. SHe Indian sat, looking up at Kathryn who had put a pillow on her face.

"He straight up told me that he might already be inlove with me."








"HOW DO YOU-" Nicole continued to yell. "HO DO YOU EVEN- WHAT."

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