Chapter Sixteen: Grumpy Cat

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"Order me pizza" Lance clinged onto Ally's arm like a child. "Pizza. Pizza. Pizza."

Ally looked at him. "You're rich, get your own."

"The first rule of being rich," Lance started to say. "Don't use your own money."

Ally glared at Lance, then looked at Kathryn. "I have the sudden urge to smite him now." She told her.

"Go ahead, knock yourself out." Kathryn said.

"Why do you have a sudden urge to eat literally everything?" Austin asked. Lance raised an eyebrow. "I have not yet eaten everything."

"You just emptied the fridge." Trish said.

"I was bored," Lance whined. "Sometimes there are just those moments where I don't know if I really am hungry or if I'm just bored."

"So you pig out?" Kathryn asked. "Lance, are you on your period?"

He looked at his little sister as if she were dumb. "I'm an eighteen year-old boy."

"Oh, right." said Trish. "Everyone knows boys don't get their periods until they're atleast twenty. Sorry. Our bad." she joked, making him roll his eyes.

"You're so whiny," Ally said, pocketing her phone. She was just in a serious conversation with her record label, Ronnie Ramone, about realeasing her soundtrack. "Someone get this woman her pizza and a box of tampons."

"And you're so grumpy," Trish repeated. "Like a Grumpy Cat."

"You're really moody too."

"Why do I feel like I'm just sitting here absorbing all your insults?" Lance sarcastically asked himself.

"We're stating facts," said Ally. "Seriously, Lance. Is there something wrong with you?"


"Something's wrong with him." Kathryn whispered to Trish and Austin.

"What?" Trish asked.

She shrugged. "I don't know, maybe he just misses his girlfriend or something?"

"Mate," Austin said. "You've got eyebags. Like, have you even slept lately?"

"No," Kathryn answered for him, annoyed. "He hasn't been."

"Will you guys just please stop worrying about me? I'm a hundred percent, absolutely and completely fine." He said, then he started to walk away.

"No Lance you're not-" Kathryn started to say. Lance just gave her a sad smile, ruffling her hair. "I'm fine, little sis. Don't worry your little head about it." Then he walked out of the store.

Kathryn slumped her shoulders as she watched him walk away. What's wrong with him? "Wow. He's really taking this hard, isn't he."

"See, that's the bit I don't get," Trish said. "I mean, Lance. He's a Rodriguez, isn't he? I'm pretty sure he's rich. Can't he just fly to another continent whenever she needs her or vice versa?"

"No, not really." Kathryn answered.

"Wait, what? When was the last time he even saw her?"

"Four months ago." Austin and Kathryn said surprisingly at the same time. They shrugged it off anyways.

"What? Shutup! How did that even happen?!"

"Guys, you don't get it. Nicole had her first American tour, Lance was filming his fourth movie in two countries. It was an opportunity of a lifetime. They knew they couldn't pass it up," Kathryn said, scratching the back of her neck. "A lot can change in four months."

"Kaaaaaaaaaaathy," Ally whined. Kathryn looked at her. "What."

"Pleaaaaaaase help me out on this one,"

"On what?"

"Teach me how to play the drums?" Kathryn smiled. "Aw! Why are you so interested in the drums all of a sudden?"

"Actually," said Trish. "She's kind of made it her life obligation to know how to play every single instrument there is in here."

"Really?" Austin asked. "Why?"

"YOLO" Ally replied.

Austin, on the other hand, was staring at Lance. LAnce was lying down on the floor next to the piano in the Sonic Boom lobby. "Since when did we get a new rug?"

"And why does he smell?" Kath asked, bending down to her brother and sniffing him a bit. He lazily flinged his arm around, hitting Kathryn in the face. "okay OW?"

"Foooooooood," Lance whined. Kath rolled her eyes and kicked him gently in his side.

"Lance get up you look really dirty people might mistake you for an actual rug,"

"Too late," Ally chimed. "Nelson just ran over him,"

"It was a glorious day," Trish said, sighing as she looked up at the sky. Lance rolled his eyes and chucked a pillow at her, which she caught anyways.

Kathryn rolled her eyes and started to pull her brother up from the floor. "Lance get up. You've got some explaining to do-"

"Whatever it is I didn't do it I wasn't even there-" Kathryn shoved her hand into his face to make him shut up. He did, shooting his little sister a glare.

"Man, what is with you?" Austin asked, hopping ontop of the counter. "You're acting weirder and more annoying than usual,"

"Aww. How nice it is to know that you're always there for me," Lance sarcastically gushed.

"Honestly, Lance, Lately you're depressed." Kathryn stated, crossing her arms, a worried look on her face. "What's going on with you lately?"

"Kath, you know I miss Nicole. I haven't seen her in four months and I really love her so much and I-"

"Someone mention my name?" A familiar voice said. We all turned around and I think I saw my brother's face get completely blank while his entire world fell apart.

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