Chapter Forty Two: Ours

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"Soooooo," Lance and Austin came in the tent, and Nicole and I scooched back a bit. The tent was huge, hanging from the tree. They passed us five movies. "What do you two wanna watch? The Last Song? Letters To Juliet? Titanic? The Fault In Our Stars? If I Stay?"

Nicole and I looked at eachother, then at the movies, then back at eachother. We gave eachother a look, shrugging our shoulders and throwing the movies away.

"Wait, what-"

"See, here's the problem with you guys. You think all girls think the same, same ideas on mushy dates."

"Uh, are we wrong?"

"Pretty much."
















"WHAT!? KATH THAT WAS SO UNFAIR! THAT ZOMBIE WAS MINE!" Lance said. I put the controller down, crossing my legs. "Uh, no it wasn't."

"Uh, yes it was." He said, copying my tone as he rolled his eyes.

"The zombie wasn't labeled 'Lance the Evil Overlord'." I sarcastically said, rolling my eyes.

"Yeah well it wasn't labeled 'Kathryn the Supreme Dictator' either," he shot back. I pulled my tongue out at him and he did the same, pulling a face at me. Right now we were playing "Zombie Invaders: The Apocalypse" and the boys were literally getting their asses kicked on the game.

"How is it even possible that you know how to play video games?" Austin drastically said, putting the controller down. "Girls aren't supposed to learn how to hold controllers and shoot zombies with ten wheeler war tanks!"

"And boys aren't supposed to be playing with mascara and putting on six inch heels," Nicole said, grabbing her soda can. "Didn't see that coming, did you?"

I laughed, high-fiving her.

"You can't ever beat me on any video game," I said laughing, laying back on the pillows. "Just give it up, Lance. Accept it and Move on."

"Absolutely not!" He said frustratingly. "How can my seventeen year old little sister beat me at a zombie warfare apocalypse game?!"

"I had a lot of extra time while you were gone. And I don't think leaving your room turned into a huge walk in closet full of expensive collection of video games and ten different Xboxes was the brightest idea, now is it?" I said smiling, teasing him. He pulled a face at me.

"Alright, that's it," Lance said, getting up. "I am going back inside and getting another video game that I will surely whip your feminine asses at,"

"Well you could dream," I shrugged my shoulders. He pulled another face at me while sarcastically laughing as went out the tent, pulling Nicole along with him.

"You two seriously have got to work through some issues," Austin said.

"His manly issues not mine," I said, putting my hands up in defense.


I'm left alone.

With Austin.

This cannot be good.

My predictions were proven right when suddenly Austin layed back on the pillows and suddenly grabbed my waist, pulling me down with him. I raised an eyebrow at him. "Uh, what are you doing?"

"Uh, being mushy?" He said. I laughed at him. "You play basketball and video games?"


"Seriously where have you been all my life," Austin muttered, making me laugh, soon him doing the same. "Honestly I did not see that coming,"

"I guess there's a lot I don't know about you yet," He said, resting his chin on the top of my head. "I guess twenty questions won't be enough, huh?"

"You honestly have no idea," I said, chuckling into his shirt. "Let's turn tables. How's about you tell me something unexpected about you, and I'll try to keep up,"

"Well I hate clowns,"


"I put cheese on almost everything,"

"And I love you for that," I said, kissing his cheek and making him laugh.

"I used to skateboard,"

"Well what happened then?"

"Slipped into a pool once,"

"Oh my gosh," I said, my palm flying to my mouth, trying to muffle my laughs but I failed, gagging. He slapped my shoulder. "Don't laugh!"


"I once had a plant in sixth grade and I named him Fernando,"

"Wait, what-" I said, trying to muffle my laughs.

"Shush, child." Austin said, putting his palm on my face. I shook it off and he wrapped an arm around my waist.

"For some weird reason I can't spell philanthropy or pronounce the word reservoir right,"

"I absolutely hate the color orange."

"I like licking the big wooden stirring spoons they use in baking when it has something sweet on it, like condensed milk or ice cream or whipped cream,"

"I find the tiny little ice cream cones with tiny litter ice creams on them weird but I keep eating them anyways."

"For some other weird reason pink six inch heels really look hot on me,"

"Mother of God," I sighed, trying not to laugh, then he put his palm on my face again.

"I can't rap. I'm a horrible ass rapper."

"I like writing on balloons with those permanent markers. But I hate the sound it makes."

"It took me twelve years before I learned how to whistle."

"I have my own version of Lance's Kenny the Koala,"

"Please tell me it's not a multi-colored unicorn," I said.

"It is not just a multi-colored unicorn! It's a limited edition My Little Pony glow in the dark unicorn, excuse you!" Austin said, holding onto his chest in fake hurt. I laughed into his chest.

"For some weird reason when I leap, I look like a ballerina,"

"When I finally start a family I'd like maybe two or three kids,"

"Boy or Girl?"

"Boy first, then girl."

"But why?"

"So my boy can beat up anyone who makes my little baby girl cry."

"What! That's so mushy! That was my idea!" I said, hitting his chest lightly.

"Well then guess what," He said, wrapping an arm tighter around my waist. "Now it's both ours,"

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