Chapter Sixty Seven: Home

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"So you're the famous Austin Moon," said Connor, bending down to Austin with a bad look.

"Y-Yes sir."

"And you dare date our little sister?" he asked.

"Y-Yes si-"

"You realize you've just put yourself on the very top of my hit list, right?"


"Connor WHAT" Kathryn yelled.

"Do you, Austin Moon, solemnly believe that you are qualified to call yourself our little sister's boyfriend?" James asked.

"Y-Yes sir."

"Do you, Austin Moon, believe that you can handle her?" asked Tristan. "Like her several nasty mood swings, the PMS-ing, the moodswings, the large female and male fanbase she has, the moodswings, her crazy fans, the god-forsaken moodswings-"


Tristan bent down to Austin, whispering, "Seriously dude her moodswings can get so nasty-"


James nodded. "This one time she actually threatened me with a stuffed penguin."

Austin raised an eyebrow. "Phoebe the penguin?"

"Phoebe the Penguin." James nodded in agreement. Though the three of them were already gossiping, Connor still stood there, big-brother act on, arms crossed, annoyed expression showing. "Connor, lad, come on. Give the guy a chance,"


"Sorry man, but I gotta stick with my stuffed toy-assaulted people," James said.

"There's nothing you can do, he's already Kath's," Tristan piped in.

"Fine." said Connor, letting his arms fall to his sides. Austin sat up, relieved. "But I still don't like you."

"Jesus, how many elder brothers do you have, woman?" said Austin, wrapping his arms around Kathryn's waist. She stopped her dancing infront of the mirror of the rehearsal room once he did. "Connor is terrifying, I know." she laughed.

"I'm sweaty, get off of meeeeeeeeeeee," she whined, trying to take his hands off her waist.

"I don't caaaaaaaaaaaaaare," he whined. "Remember that one time when I told you your are literally the only living human who can be covered in seven different types of oil but still smell like unicorns and sunshine?"

"I swear sometimes I'm dating a five year-old," Kathryn muttered.


"WHY YOU SO LOUD WOMAN" yelled Brad from the snack bar.

"I AM A MAN" yelled Austin.



She raised an eyebrow at Austin, looking at the two of them in the mirror. "What's wrong with a loud woman?"

"The constant nagging and the yelling and the whining-" she slapped him in the chest. "ALSO," Austin continued, shooting her a look. "It's hard to have sweet time in a bunker on the tour bus."

"OH MY GOD AUSTIN SHUT UP I SO HEARD THAT" yelled Lance, who was at the snack bar with Brad.

"What tour are you talking about?" Kathryn asked, smiling at him through the mirror.

"Nothing, just wishing on a random star here," Austin said, kissing her temple. From the light smile, Kathryn knew he was hiding some sort of other emotion. She let out a small huff, still looking at him. "I'll miss you,"

"Half a year is bearable,"

"You filthy liar," she said. "I know this anything but okay with you,"

"I just said it was bearable, I didn't say it's okay with me." Austin said, his voice getting a bit more gentle resting his chin on her shoulder. "I'm just so used to you,"

She cocked her head to the side. "How?"

"I don't exactly wake up with you beside me in the morning, not yet, atleast." Austin said, making her chuckle. "But I get to see you everyday. I swear there isn't a single day that I don't hug you or kiss you or hold you. And you'll be flying off for half a year so that's kind of a really hard adjustment for me."

Kathryn turned around, looking at him, and wrapping her arms around his neck and hugging him. Resting her head on his chest, she let out a breath. "It sucks, I know." Austin tightened his hug around her waist. "But I've got a two-month leave on January to February, so I'll be home."

He raised an eyebrow, though he knew she wouldn't see. "You're going to New York?"

"No," she said, then she pulled away a bit to look up at him. "When I said 'home' I meant Miami. I'll be home."

"So you're actually okay with this?" asked Connor. Lance put his frappe down, licking his lips. "With what?"

"With that." he raised is voice a bit, nodding his head towards Austin who ad his arms around Kathryn, her arms around his neck. They were talking and smiling. Lance saw his little sister laugh a bit at something Austin said, making him smile as well.

"He's smiling WHY ARE YOU SMILING AT THIS" said Connor.

"My baby sister's in love," Lance chuckled.

"AND THAT'S A GOOD THING?" Connor exclaimed, only getting a light nod from Lance who continued to drink as if it were no big deal. Connor looked to Brad. "Mate I think he's banged his head quite hard this time,"

"You were the universe's most deadly and over-protective big brother, what the heck happened?" asked James.

Lance shot him a look. "I am not deadly,"

"Oh really?" the lads all said at the same time, shooting him a look.

"Remember that one time you threatened Taylor Lautner after he brought a huge ass bouquet of roses for her?"

"Or that one time you chased Matthew Espinosa for like eight blocks with a lawn mower just because he dm'ed Kath a knock-knock joke?"

"It was a horrible ass joke shut up,"

"Or that one time Harry Styles passed out because you shot him with twenty darts for kissing Kathryn's hand at the VMA's?"

"Twenty-one." Lance corrected, rather proud of himself.

Connor rolled his eyes. "What the heck happened to you, you used to be like, the deadliest big brother on earth. Now you're letting your little ray of sunshine go just like that?"

"Ray of sunshine?" Lance said, laughing. "Kath's seventeen. She's a big girl now making her own big girl decisions. And I will stand by them if she holds onto them so much." Then he leaned back, looking at Kathryn and Austin. "But she's still my little girl."

(COMPLETED)He Was, She Was [Austin Moon/Ross Lynch Remake]Where stories live. Discover now