Chapter Sixty: Keek (2)

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"Get out of my room you uncivilized swine," Kathryn laughed, throwing a pillow at Brad who only dodged it, still laughing.

"And here we have a Kathryn Rodriguez in her natural habitat," Brad whispered to the screen of his phone, eyes wide.

"Oh speak for yourself," she said, sitting up on her bed. "You're the one wearing a banana on your head."

"DON'T YOU DARE JUDGE ME" said Brad, turning the phone to Kath. "I AM BEAUTIFUL NO MATTER WHAT YOU SAY"



"NO POTATOES GONNA GET PEEL AND SLICED AND THROWN INTO A BOILING PIT OF HOT OIL AND DIE THATS WHAT" Kathryn yelled. Brad shut his mouth, frowning at her. "Well isn't she just a little ray of sunshine?"

"It's eleven thirty in the night there is no such thing as sunshine," she grumbled, throwing the covers off of her body. "Now go film your keek somewhere else you twat."

"She's so fucking polite." Brad smiled at the screen of his phone. She only laughed. "Sure, nightlight."

Brad snapped his neck towards Kathryn. She pulled the covers over her body and the half of her face, covering her mouth to stop all the giggling. "Oh I will so stab your face with a fork."

"Whatever you say, nightlight." She said, then threw the covers over herself and started laughing uncontrollably.

Suddenly she felt Brad jump onto her bed and on her as well, trying to attack her. She screeched and laughed even worse, until Brad pried the covers off of her face. Her face was red from the laughing and her brown hair was a mess, sticking out of its ponytail. "Bradley Simpson get off of me!" she said, still laughing.

"I am to be taken seriously how dare you," Brad said, laughing as well, still on top of her.

"You're a banana," Kathryn pointed out the obvious, trying not to laugh. "How do you expect people to take you seriously?"

"I am a nineteen year-old punk rock star," said Brad, his voice deepening. "I am the law. I rule hell. I am thesupreme over lord-"

"The hell are you talking abut you sleep with a night light," Kathryn pointed out again.

A moment of silence fell between them, until Brad set down the phone on her bed side table, his screen on and still facing the both of them full view. He took a pillow from her bed and started whacking her with it, the phone still recording everything on the keek. The pillows were on the floor and the bed was a mess.

"Get off of me you little nitwit!" Kathryn laughed, trying to push him off, still laughing. She finally did, and Brad fell to the floor with a loud thud. She was still laughing, breathless, her brown hair even messier than before. She sat up on her bed, seeing her three large pillows on the floor and her bed a mess. She looked to her bed side table to see Brad's phone still recording everything on keek, and saw that her hair was a mess.

"Oh god," she said, still laughing a little and taking her messy hair out of the pony tail. "I'm so sorry you guys had to see that," she said, still smiling at Brad's screen. "Now my bed is a mess and I think Brad had just died. He fell off my bed and into the gates of hell-"

"HA." Brad said, sitting up on the floor, breathless, his hair a mess still. "You- You fight like a girl, Rodriguez."

Kathryn snapped her head towards Brad, giving him a death look. "Wanna say that again, Simpson?"

He smirked. "I said you fight like a-"

She took a pillow and threw it at him, hitting him so hard it even made a loud "thud" when the pillow met his face. He fell back onto the floor again with another thud. She laughed and laughed and laughed so uncontrollably that she dug her face into the pillows, the keek still recording.

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