Chapter Twenty Three: The Date Chronicles

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"Lance... no. Honestly- wait what!... will you stop freaking out and let me talk for atleast- Lance! Calm down!.... Are you out of your mind?!.... ofcourse I did not get raped are you-..... god I hate you," Kathryn laughed silently beside me.

Infact that's the only thing that woke me up.

I groaned, turning to my side and wrapping an arm around her waist. I kissed her cheek, resting my chin on her shoulder and catching her attention. I gave her a lazy smile. "Goodmorning beautiful,"

She gave me the same lazy smile, kissing my nose. "Well you look like you slept well."

"You bet," I cheekily smiled. Kathryn chuckled at me.

"Austin! Is that you?!" Lance's voice came from the phone Kath had in her hand. I looked at her, and she gave me a tired look.

"Yes, it's me, Austin Moon, International Popstar, Singing Sensation, boyfriend of the most perfect and amazing girl that has ever walked into my life -who is your little sister by the way, Teenage heartthrob with twenty eight various awards and two best-selling albums," I said once I took the phone from Kathryn, who looked extremely tired as me. She laughed at my answer, turning around and snuggling her nose in the crook of my neck, making me smile.

"Well I hope you enjoyed your seventeen years of living because you are in so much trouble when I'm done with you you little assho-"

"What! What did I do this time?!" I whined. "Lance if this is about your batman action figure I swear it was only a moment of weakness-"

"Wait, what?" Kathryn said, looking up at me as she looked like she was to break down of laughter. "What the heck were you doing, playing with his batman action figure?"

I rolled my eyes, looking down at her. "Kath, I was not playing. I was simply examining by doing a close-up observation of physical abilities and weaknesses by putting it through various tests."

"While making Choo-choo noises?" Lance said from the other line, listening in to our conversation.

"Yes, while making Choo-choo noises." I sarcastically answered, half embarrassed. I could imagine Lance rolling his eyes at me by now.

"Moon, where is my little sister?" He asked.

"She's right here." I answered, giving Kathryn a lazy smile as I looked down at her. "And before you could say anything, NO, I did not touch her. You and your perverted mind, I swear."

I heard Lance give out an exasperated sigh. "Then where the heck are you two? Why haven't you two come home yet?"

"We slept at the beach." I yawned, looking at the sun which was blocked by the palm trees but still shining through. "You couldn't let a perfectly good date go to waste, can you."

"Well you two could've just called atleast to inform us that you two minors were going to spend the entire night on the beach, unsupervised, in the wilderness, while in bikinis and shorts which exposed about ninety percent of your flesh and human body," Lance said. Kathryn and I looked at eachother, giving eachother 'the look'.

"I'm guessing your brother didn't have his 'daily dosage' of your chocolate carb-coated treat either."

"Eh. It's a dude thing."

"Are you sure he doesn't have a disease or something? Something caused by genetics or a bang on the head maybe?"

"We're gonna have to get him to see the doctor,"

"Oh so now you tell me."

"I know you two are giving eachother 'the look' don't you two dare go silent on me," He said from the other line.

Kathryn rolled her eyes. "Lance you couldn't count up to ten on your fingers until you were eleven, who needs the supervising, me or you?"

Lance went silent. "Touche." Kathryn smiled in victory, wrapping an arm around my torso and laying her head on my chest. "But that still doesn't excuse you two from getting all jiggy."

"What? Us? Getting jiggy? What the heck about you?" Kathryn said, taking the phone from my hand. "Don't think I've forgotten, shiznit. You're still in trouble when I get home."

"Ooh. I'm so scared." I heard Lance mock her on the other line. She didn't even seem to be annoyed or offended. She pulled on a smug smile.

"Oh I just know you are. And I'm sure Henry The Bear feels the same way." She smiled.

Lance gasped. "You... Wouldn't... Dare!"

"Actually I really would." Kathryn smiled. "I'll be home in an hour, Lance. I'll have to talk to you. The both of you."

Before her brother could answer, she ended the call, giving my phone back to me. Kathryn snuggled closer to my chest, closing her eyes and falling asleep again. "Babe?"


"I thought you weren't mad at your brother and Nicole?"

"I'm not." She answered, not even looking up at me at all. "I just hated the way he sounded. Like that."

"Like what?"

"That." Kath said. "It's like he doesn't trust me at all. I survived pretty much seventeen years without mom and dad ever walking into my life, and I'm pretty sure-"

"-And I'm pretty sure he only cares about you." I cut her off. "He loves you, Kath. Lance told me that. You mean a lot more to him than he ever tells you or shows you. You're pretty much all he has. So calm down a bit, okay?"

I bent down and kissed her hair, holding her close to me. My mind was still half asleep, I'm pretty much unsure of what I'm doing, and I'm still sleepy anyways. We stayed like that for a few more minutes and fell asleep again, until her phone rang this time. She reached for her phone under the hammock lazily, without even opening her eyes.

"Whaaaaaat?" Kathryn groggily moaned into the phone, making me laugh. "Mo, noooooo. I don't wanna gooooo.... But I.... Fine. Yes, I'll be there next week... Dang woman calm down."

That time I bursted into laughs, and she had to put a palm on my hand to make me stop, even if she looked like she was about to laugh herself.

"You seem busy, Kath. Was it a bad time for me to call?" I heard the woman's voice on the other line.

Kathryn yawned, resting her head on my chest again. "Yes, I'm pretty busy right now."

"Busy with what, exactly?"

"That's for me to know and you to not ever find out. See you in Cali in three weeks, bye!" She said, ending the call and stuffing it into her pocket. Before I could wrap my arms around her again, she stood up and got out of my grip, stretching. I pouted at her. "Kaaaaaattttthhhhh."

"Whaaaaaaattt?" Kathryn copied me.

"Why did you get uppppp?" I whined, making her laugh. "Because. I have to be home in one hour."

"But I don't want to go," I whined again.

"But we have to." Kath said, then she started pouting at me. "Please?"

I groaned, getting up from the hammock and messing up my hair. "You people and your evil ways of persuading, I swear."

Kathryn smiled in victory, kissing my cheek and jumping onto my back. She raised her arm like a sword. "To my house! Onwards, peasant!"

I rolled my eyes playfully, laughing at her as I started to walk. "You're lucky that you're my girlfriend."

"You're such a dork." She smiled, bending down and kissing my cheek. "But I kind of already know that."

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