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                I was trying hard as hell to eat but every time I even looked at the salad lying in front of me I felt sick. Fortunately Nate was still cooking something for him and his sister, Claire, and wasn’t looking at me pushing around the food. I had to admit that it was impossible to dislike Claire. She was deaf, as I’d concluded after much observation, and she was just as cute as her brother, with her outrageous rainbow hair, her piercings, and her little chuckles and squeals whenever she was happy. Both siblings were rapidly taking a place in my heart and it scared the shit out of me. How could I like someone so quickly? I didn’t think it was even possible. I had just met them today, how could I have a soft spot for them already? I gave up trying to eat the salad Nate had made for me and instead entertained myself with watching the two siblings move around in my kitchen. They were cooking something that smelled delicious, even if said smell made me gag.

Watch what you’re doing, sis, or you’re going to burn it.” Nate told Claire.

                She answered something but I didn’t know what it was. You see, I only had one part of the conversation, which was Nate’s because he mouthed what he was saying, and sometimes he even whispered it. Really low, though. If I wasn’t a tiger I was pretty sure I wouldn’t have caught it at all.

“Hey, I’m trying to win us our rents in this house! And I can tell you right now that setting the kitchen on fire won’t help that cause!” Nate answered.

                I wasn’t getting shit of this conversation so I decided to chime in.

“I won’t kick you out for setting the kitchen on fire you know? I, myself, have set it on fire many times.” I said giving Nate a teasing smile.

                He turned and gave me a confused look before voicing his thoughts.

“Do you know sign language?” He asked tilting his head to the side.

“Nope.” I said popping the ‘P’.

“Then, how is it that you understand what Claire and I are talking about?” He asked looking even more confused.

“Well…” I said chuckling at his face. “I know how to read lips and you mouth what you’re saying, plus you whisper it sometimes.”

“Oh…” He said turning red. “I didn’t know I did that…”

                Claire had been watching us intently as we were talking, and right then she turned to Nate and told him something.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right. I just didn’t notice, I guess.” Nate told her.

“She has told you plenty of times you do it, hasn’t she?” I asked with a cocky smile.

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