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Oh my god, over the past month or so I have gotten so many people to dedicate my chapters to, and to mention and give them special thanks :0 It's really amazing and you guys seriously make my day when I see your votes or your comments :3

So let's start then shall we?

This chapter is dedicated to chica123forever for commenting and giving me feedback when I edited the chapters :3 And for voting for all of my chapters too! I seriously melt whenever I see one of my fans vote or comment on all of my chapters, I find the gesture really sweet and thoughtful, so yeah this is my way of saying thanks ^^

For all those who read the original chapters and have read the edited ones, I would love to hear what you think about the changes I have made, so please don't hesitate to tell me what you think, no matter if it's good or bad!

Shoutouts! :D

Of course to all the people that were reading this story before it went on hold and who are still reading it! Don't worry, just because I don't make specific mentions it doesn't mean I don't know who you are. I know who you are, I know your username, I know you voted or added this story to your reading lists and I'm pretty sure I thanked you personally xD

There is also a shoutout for LUXURY123 because she made sure that I knew what she thought of the every chapter she read and I loved that :3 I wanted to tell you that just because I don't answer all your comments it doesn't mean that I didn't read them, or that I don't care. And to answer your doubts as well as anyone who's wondering the same thing, this story will be told from Danny's, Nate's, and Kyle's POVs and you'll discover for yourself what the story is about xD Oh and the scene in the prologue will come, I promise it will, but you will have to wait for it! I'm not telling you anything about it xD You know they say that good thing's come for those who wait ;3

So after all the due mentions and thanks, 

I hope you enjoy the chapter ^^

-> Desyre


                I woke up and stretched in my bed. I yawned and burrowed under the covers again, keeping my eyes closed while I mentally prepared myself to perform the very hard task of getting up. That’s when I sniffed the air. I groaned and sat up in my bed. I ruffled my hair and got up, making my way to the door. I grabbed a shirt on my way out and put it on before I went down the stairs. Claire was sitting on the living room reading some book and I went right past her making my way to the kitchen. From the corner of her eye I saw her look up from her book and then look back down before she looked up again with wide eyes.  She hurried to get off the couch and stood in front of me to stop me from going into the kitchen. She looked guilty as she stood there blocking my path.

“He put you up to this?” I asked.

                She doubted for a second before nodding and looking even guiltier.

“You know he shouldn’t be up.” I said firmly.

                Claire stared at me for a few moments before she moved out of the way and nodded, hanging her head. I grabbed her chin and made her look at me.

“It’s for his own good.” I said.

                Claire still looked guilty but she nodded. I went right past her and walked into the kitchen. I entered and saw him standing there in a pair of shorts and a shirt, too busy cooking to realize that he’d been caught red handed.

“Didn’t I tell you that I didn’t want you in the kitchen?” I said leaning against the counter.

                Nate froze where he was and turned slowly to look at me. He saw me standing there and then looked to something behind me and glared. Oh no he wasn’t blaming this on her.

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