Twenty Seven

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Just one more week you guys! TwT Just one more week and I'll be back! I miss you all so much! :c

Let me know what you think alright? It has been a couple of emotional chapter xD

Hoping you miss me and that you enjoy,

-> Desyre


I turned to look at Danny when I noticed that my question had been answered with nothing but silence. He was looking at that table again. I felt a nasty tug in my chest, from the area where my heart was and I chided myself for being stupid. I'd signed in for this when I went and fell in love with a guy that had just broken up with his boyfriend. I knew that. I knew that I had looked for this all by myself, but still my heart tugged when I saw the broken, worried, and longing look in Danny's eyes. I looked at the table in question and saw the recent object of my hate, and even I had to admit that I was a little worried about him. I wanted to feel nothing but pure hatred towards him, I wanted to think that whatever had happened to him he deserved it but I couldn't. I just couldn't and that made even more pissed and angry.

To say that Kyle looked bad was an understatement. A huge understatement. Kyle looked broken. So broken that it looked like he was going to fall to pieces right there where he was sitting staring at nothing with a tray of untouched food in front of him. He looked like a vase that had tipped over, shattered, and been glued back together too many times. And right now it looked like he was about to shatter one more time. Why did he look like that? What happened to him during winter break? What could've been bad enough to make him look like that? It had been months since this dirty-secret-on-the-side thing with Paul had started and not once had I ever seen him look like that. Kyle always looked untouched, unscathed, unbreakable, like a god or something. Like no matter what happened, no matter how bad everything looked, no matter how shitty his life was, no matter anything, it didn't touch him or affect him. Yet, today he looked like he was a very broken and battered version of the Kyle I knew.

"He looks worse than he did before." Danny said quietly, talking as if I knew what he was talking about.

I personally thought that before he hadn't looked broken at all but I wasn't about to argue with Danny about that. The man knew him best, they had grown up together after all.

"I wonder what happened to him." I commented still looking at Kyle stare at nothing at all, just sit there unmoving, like a corpse. I wouldn't have been surprised with flies started to fly around his body. I then shook my head to shake the image away from my mind. What a morbid thought.

"I don't know but I can bet you anything you want it's got to do with him." Danny spat turning to glare at the table where Paul was sitting probably telling all his muscle buddies what he'd done during his Christmas break.

I sighed not wanting to go into that. If it did have to do with Paul then Kyle had looked for it all by himself. I had warned him, told him to be careful, that Paul would hurt him. But he hadn't listened to me. He had signed in for this himself. Just like I'd signed in for the past week or so.

The events of the past week replayed on my mind, unbidden. Christmas had been so wonderful, so special. I had seen the look in Danny's eyes when he looked at me wearing his choker. I had seen the care and love in his eyes. It had been right there, clear as day for anyone to see. But then, the day after Christmas, Danny would barely look me in the eyes. It had all gone downhill from there. Danny went back to holing up in his room, only coming down to eat, not even to watch television or anything else, just to eat. He would've come down to go to the bathroom as well if he didn't have two bathrooms, one right there in his room and one across the hall from him. In New Year he'd looked a little happier, and had celebrated with us, and stayed up 'til late but then after that he'd just gone back to being holed up in his room all day.

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