Twenty Eight

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Hey you guys :D Long time no update xD Well, at least update I made myself :P So as most of you must know already... I'm back x3 Anyways, I missed you guys a loooooot! >.< You all missed me too right? ... right? ... right...? :c

So well all sentimentalities put to the side, as always, let me know what you think about the chapter, yeah?

Hoping you enjoy,

-> Desyre


                I was an idiot. I was one big fucking idiot. And I was in love.

                The alarm went off telling me that I had to get up, but I seriously didn’t want to move from my bed. I didn’t want to step out of my bed, if I did I would need to face my life and that prospect was as happy and cheerful as a goddamn tornado. I hit the snooze button and just burrowed further into my covers. No. I was not stepping out of my covers. I was not going to face Paul, my mother, my sister, my ex best friend, nothing. I was not going to face any of that.

                I had thought I was over this. Hell, I had thought we were over this. But apparently we weren’t and now we were even worse than we’d been last year. Four fucking months, we’d been together four fucking months and we were right back to the start, worse in fact. I opened my eyes and looked at the ring on my finger. I felt the urge to hurl it across the room, out a window, off a bridge, or maybe burn it, anything but have it on my finger. Instead I ran my finger over the white engravings on the outside, remembering that blissful day and what it had brought with him. It was a bittersweet memory.

                After that I had lived in heaven. I had tasted heaven and I wanted to stay up there forever. After I told him that I didn’t mind if we never actually did it, have him fuck me or fuck him myself, and he told me that he agreed, our fights seemed to end, and every little hellish thing in our relationship just seemed to cease to exist. Paul apologized, profusely, and looking really contrite, not just because he wanted to make me forgive him, but because he accepted when he was to blame. We went out, to other states and cities close to us, and had dates, and spent the day there having fun together. He started to really enjoy making me scream with pleasure, it seemed it just had been uncomfortable before because he was not used to it at all, but he’d took to it like a fish in water. I changed, became less moody, opened up to him, told him more about myself and what had been worrying me, told him about Danny, about my family, and everything else that was bad in my life, except for the nightmares. He gave me advice, told me to give them time for the anger to wear off and then apologize to them. He started standing up against his father a little more often, no longer living in constant fear and apprehension, granted he wasn’t waving a rainbow flag or anything but like I said, we did go out now.

                It was everything I’d ever wished for. He was sweet, caring, and nice to me, worrying and asking about my life. It was just plain heaven.

                And now I was in hell. It had to be. Or at least the closest I could come to it while on earth. It all happened one day in early February, I think, when he just didn’t come to my house. I waited all day, we were supposed to be going out that day, but he never arrived. I didn’t see him in school the next day either. I hadn’t slept that day wondering what had happened to him, and why he hadn’t gone to school. I tried his phone many times but the operator told me that they were unable to reach him. I had practically crawled up the walls that day, getting green hair and nearly going out of mind with worry. And then the day after that he was back in school looking like he normally did, happy cheerful and outgoing, talking to his friends and laughing with them. And I was left feeling like a fool for worrying like the love-struck idiot I was. I had waited that day for Paul to come to my house but he never showed up either and a glimmer of worry started to creep into my mind. The next day he was in school again looking like he normally did and I started growing suspicious. I had left him a note in his locker telling him to meet me in the abandoned art classroom during PE. I had to wait and I almost thought that he wasn’t going to show up, but then he was there. He was there looking annoyed and pissed.

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