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Look to the right, there's someone waiting there for you ;3


I hope you enjoy,

-> Desyre



                I tried my best to drive with the tears that were making my vision blurry. It should be forbidden for people to drive around while they were crying. If I wasn’t a tiger I think I would’ve smashed into something by now. I finally got to the building I was looking for and parked the car before going up to the intercom and punching in the apartment number. I waited for a few moments and I thought no one was going to answer but then a sleepy voice picked up and said, "Hello?" I breathed in and out trying to calm myself down and finally said, "Open the door please." I heard a gasp on the other side of the line and then a buzzing. I pushed the door and got in the elevator pressing the button for the 6th floor. I tried my best to hold myself together but when I got to the 6th floor and went around the corner to the apartment, I saw her there waiting for me. I couldn't hold it in anymore and I just collapsed to the floor right in front of her, crying like I had never done before and clutching my aching chest.

                Sarah came up to me and hugged me tightly before whispering, "Danny. Daniel. Is everything alright? Is Kyle…? Is he alright?" I nodded silently, not trusting my voice. “Then what…? Oh.” I didn't even have to explain it to her, she already knew what happened and that it was all her fault. I hated the woman, but she was still something like my sister, and I didn't have it in me to yell at her. I had enough yelling with what Kyle had told me.

"We should go in. Come on." She said pulling me up and into the apartment.

                She sat me in the couch and just sat next to me her arms still around me as I continued to cry my eyes out. At some point I started telling her what had happened, and she said that she was really sorry again. I just continued crying. I can’t remember the moment I fell asleep on the couch, my dreams filled with the memories of the years that Kyle and I had been together. He was sick of me? What was he sick of? What was he talking about? We had been together since middle school, and he still doubted me. Why? What was going on in his head? I woke up a number of times during the night but I just kept crying myself to sleep right after waking up. Sarah wasn't with me in any of those times, my was that she just gave up and decided to let me cry it all out before trying to have serious conversation. And I didn't blame her. Unlike Kyle, I didn't care to show what I was really feeling. I wasn't embarrassed of crying or of feeling weak or anything like that. I wasn't embarrassed of what Kyle and I shared, or... used to share, I guess, even if we were a hound and a tiger. So I just cried to my heart’s content that night without feeling any embarrassment at all.

                When I finally woke up I could tell I had puffy, red eyes and I felt like my head was about to explode. I sat up on the couch and noticed there were voices coming from down the hall. I got up still sleepy and headed to the entrance hall. I could hear the voices pretty well now and even distinguished what they were saying.

"How could you do that…?! What were you thinking?!"

"Please, lower your voice! You're going to-."

"I don't care if I wake whatever guy you have in your apartment right now, I'm asking you why in the world you thought that drugging me was a good idea!"

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