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                I didn’t wake up so much as got woken up by the voices around me. I cracked my eyes open and immediately the brightness in the room made me wince. This seemed to catch the attention of everyone in the room because they all fell silent and I heard them shuffle close to my bed.

“Kyle?” I heard Danny say in a gentle tone.

“Danny…” I croaked and noticed that my throat hurt a lot along with many other parts of my body. I hadn’t noticed it before but little by little the pain was becoming excruciatingly strong.

“Holy shit, he’s up! Call the nurse you good-for-nothing piece of…”

                But I was unconscious before Danny could finish his sentence.

                When I woke up again, much to my happiness, the room was quieter than it had been last time and my body hurt a lot less. I opened my eyes a little and the brightness in the room didn’t feel as blinding as it had before. I was looking up into the ceiling, a white ceiling, and right then I had a feeling I knew where I was. I turned my head slowly and saw a nurse standing beside me fussing around the IV that was connected to my arm. When she saw me looking at her, she smiled and caressed my forehead pushing my hair back.

“Welcome back, Mr. Harwood. I am sorry about the situation that was going on in your room when you woke up. I have taken care of it and your visitors now have to wait outside your room and can’t enter unless you grant your permission. How are you feeling?” She asked, her expression going from smiling to a frown and back to smiling again.

                Women… I am never going to understand their mood swings.

“Like shit…” I croaked without thinking.

                My throat still hurt, so I cleared it in an attempt to make my voice better.

“I mean, like I’ve been run over by a truck.” I said and it sounded better than before.

“Well I didn’t expect you to feel better after only a week or so after you came in.” She said laughing at my change of phrasing. “But at least you got here in time, a little longer and the damage would’ve been worse.” She added in a grave tone.

                My eye widened. A week? I had been unconscious for a whole week?!

“Ma’am, could you tell me how bad is it?” I asked though I dreaded the answer.

“Well as it is, you’ve got three broken ribs, a lot of internal damage, bruises all over your body, and you will probably have a sore bottom for a while, my boy.” She said in the same grave tone.

“Yeah I can feel the last one already…” I said wincing at the pain I could feel in my poor not-virgin-anymore asshole.

“I am sorry this happened to you. The world government thinks that just because they say homosexuals are supposed to be accepted in society these things don’t happen anymore but they’re blind idiots who see only what they want to see.” She whispered in a bitter tone. She seemed to realize what she was saying and pulled herself together again. “I am sorry about that, I have too many bad memories and sometimes I forget my place.”

“Don’t worry about it, ma’am. I’d offer you my ears to listen but I’m pretty sure my ears aren’t the only one’s listening to our conversation.” I whispered back.

“Probably true, but let’s not continue with that train of thought. Are you hungry? Your lunch is right here.” She said placing a tray with stuff that looked as yucky as puke in it.

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