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Hey my lovely readers, look to your right, there's a surprise waiting for you ;3

I hope you enjoy the chapter,

-> Desyre


                I sighed as I returned back to the present. As for us right now, time has gone by and our childish innocence is gone. With the years we began to do more stuff, stuff only adults, as we said back then, did. But with new knowledge came new responsibilities, as they say. We came to understand that what we were in love and what that meant in the world we lived. We both accepted it when the time came, the fact that we were both gay, that what we had was forbidden, or used to be forbidden anyway, that we had to keep this hidden from our parents, and that we would go through some really hard times, but not for the reasons you’re thinking of.

                As the years went by, we always stood by each other’s side. When the kids in our school found out that we were together and, as always, the ones who didn’t agree with it started picking on us, we both kept our ground. Our past is pretty ugly, mostly Kyle’s ‘cause he had it rougher than I did since he looked weaker in the eyes of bullies. There have been a couple of incidents with a guy named Liam, but I took care of him every time. There was one major incident with him, though. But that was a while ago and Kyle told me that the guy had left him alone. To say that I was glad to hear that would be an understatement. Kyle has had a couple of excursions to the hospital ‘cause of him, Liam, I mean. But like I said that was a while ago, now we were both going to start our senior year, there were no more kids picking on us, just guys like Liam that would say comments from time to time. But nobody messed with Kyle anymore and I was happy about that. Words weren’t always easy to deal with either but with the years we learned to just walk by. And though we both stood our ground as I said, and have been together for many years, we never were able to decide one simple thing: Who was the bottom in our relationship?

                To whom am I telling this? To no one, really; to myself, in any case. I'm just remembering and thinking about all those years now that Kyle and I just had another fight.

                I don’t know, but I think it's pretty pathetic that we have fights because neither of us wants to be the bottom. We both know who the bottom would be, but Kyle doesn't want to accept it! His ego doesn't let him be the bottom. Fucking hounds and their ego! I thought I already had his ego tamed a bit, and he was ok with letting me take over whenever we would be doing other stuff. He was fine with me doing 'it' even, he told me so himself one time. But then when I finally thought it was time we did it for real, he freaked out and pushed me away as soon as I was going to get him prepared. He has done the same thing ever since. And who made him do that? Sarah. She mined his head telling him that it would hurt and he would bleed, and any kind of nonsense. What's worse is that he bought it! He believed every word the woman said! And that, added to the fact that we are a tiger and a hound in an intimate relationship, has him traumatized. Thanks to that I've learned pretty well what blue balls are and all the remedies there are for them.

                I stared at the starry sky above me and remembered the day he told me he was afraid of having sex with me. 

                I had to admit that I was very shocked when I heard that. I had spent weeks in depression thinking that he simply didn't want to do it with me. But after that Sarah had the 'mercy' of telling me it had been her doing. I glared at the star I was looking at. That woman deserved to just drop dead. God, I hated her. She had found it funny. She thought she was making it more ‘interesting’ for me, she told me so with her own lips. She said she was sorry a couple of times, after she discovered what she had done. She didn't know that Kyle would buy it. But still that didn't take away that look in Kyle's eyes whenever I would give the slightest hint of touching his butt. There were terrorized faces and then there was Kyle’s expression. And it hurt. It hurt to know he didn't trust me enough to know I would never hurt him. I had promised him that I would get him prepared real well. I even did a fucking research and asked a whole bunch of people about it, and still, he wouldn't let me do it. If only I could show him that it didn't hurt as much as he thought it would...

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