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I promised I would update this and here it is, just like I promised :3 Never let it be said I'm not a woman of my word! I'm kind of tired, though, and I really don't have the energy to proofread the new chapter for Waiting For You, so please bear with me. I'll put it up tomorrow, I promise! >.<

Let me know what you think about the chapter! ^^

Hope you enjoy,

-> Desyre


                I could hear cheering through the water around my ears but didn’t dare to see if they were cheering for me or for the other guy. I needed to concentrate on what I was doing and have confidence that I was going to win. The thing about swimming is that the moment you start doubting yourself the water will feel heavier and denser, like you’re swimming through tar instead of water. Also the moment you see you’re not winning your breath will start coming up short and you’re going to feel like you can’t breathe in enough air. But when you see that you are winning you’re going to feel so sure of yourself that you’re going to slow down your pace and lose. So you had to build a little bubble. No matter how much people cheered or screamed you had to ignore it and stay in your little bubble where you only knew about yourself. You didn’t know who was winning or who was losing, you only knew that you were doing the best you could. There was no space for stupid thoughts or stupid doubts, so it was the one moment where my brain shut off and left me alone.

                I saw the wall coming close and when I was near enough I did the flip-turn and pushed myself off of the wall. One more lap to go. I put my best in this lap, pushing my body as much as I could and giving my very best. When I hit the other wall, I came up and out of the water and the cheering erupted in my ears. I took off my goggles and looked around at all the guys from the swimming team cheering on the edge of the pool. Hands pulled me out of the pool and hugged me, or patted me in the back. I saw the other guy come up and out of the water, still in the pool and understood. I had won. There were people screaming in my ears and lots of my teammates jumping around me congratulating me. I jumped and screamed along with them, I had to admit that it was an elating feeling knowing that I had won the rally for my team, it was just a practice rally but it was still elating.

“LeBlanc!” I heard the coach yell.

                I turned towards the sound of his voice and found him smiling at me.

“Well done, kid. I look forward to seeing you this weekend. And don’t be late or you’re gonna swim laps until your arms and legs give out.” The coach said giving me a serious look.

                I nodded quickly and the coach gave me a curt nod.

“Alright, you heard me? Don’t you dare be late for the competition this weekend, or you’re swimming laps for the rest of your life! And yes, you’re all having practice tomorrow, I don’t care how much you beg!”

                Everyone groaned and started protesting that there was only tomorrow left until the meet and we practice enough throughout the week, but then they shut up when the coach threatened to add another hour to our practice tomorrow. He sent us to the showers after that and I quickly changed and grabbed my stuff. I could shower at home. Home. Danny’s place couldn’t really be my home yet it felt like it. It was supposed to be something temporal, just while I found another place to stay. But every time I breached the theme to Danny he said that he wasn’t running us off and that we could stay as long as we needed. It had only been about three weeks since I had come to live with Danny and yet I felt an odd sense of familiarity with him, with the house, like I had known him since forever and a day. It was a weird feeling yet at the same time comforting. Like I belonged, like I had finally come home after a long, long journey. I shook my head and walked out of the changing rooms. I was thinking too much. I found Claire sitting on the bleachers with a smile.

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