Truth or dare?~

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Namjoon: okay~ Your turn Yoongi~

Yoongi: hit me.

Namjoon: truth or dare?~

Yoongi thought for a moment.

Yoongi: dare.

Namjoon: you see him over there?

Yoongi looked to where he was pointing. Park Jimin. He's labeled as many things. A slut, a mystery, conceded. Amongst many things. He is a cheerleader for the schools basketball team that Yoongi plays for. They've never interacted before. Yoongi wondered what he was going to be dared to do.

Namjoon: after practice, look up his skirt~

Yoongi: what?! His brother will kill me!

Tae: what?

Namjoon: how nice of you to finally join us Tae. This pervert wants to look up your little brothers skirt.

Tae: what?...

He glares at Yoongi who completely denies it.

Yoongi: he dared me!

Tae: do it and I'll break your finger off...

Yoongi: okay...

Namjoon whispered in Yoongi's ear.

Namjoon: I'll pay you 10 million won~ also, I know you want to~

Yoongi: deal...

Tae: what?...

Namjoon: nothing~

Yoongi: well no you're turn...

Namjoon: okay, shoot~

Yoongi: truth or dare?

Namjoon: dare.

Yoongi: I dare you to go over to Jimin's best friend and kiss him.

Namjoon: that slut?

Yoongi: yup~

Kim Seokjin. There has been rumors he's slept with every guy st the university. Who knows if it's true. He's also on the cheer team with Jimin. They are close.

Namjoon: Argh...

Yoongi: dares a dare~

Namjoon: you're gonna pay me...

Yoongi: 10 million won~

Namjoon: deal...

Yoongi smirked.

Tae: can I join your idiotic game of truth or dare?

Namjoon: sure.

Tae: okay.

Namjoon: truth or dare?

Tae thought for a moment.

Tae: truth.

Yoongi: boring.

Namjoon: you're lame man.

Tae: ask me the damn question and stop bitching.

Namjoon: jeez. Okay... Are you in a relationship? Also which way do you swing?

Tae: I'm Bi and no, I'm not.

Namjoon: ooh. You're Bi? I thought you were all the way, gay.

Yoongi: yeah.

Tae: well... I dunno.

Namjoon: okay... Truth or dare Tae?

Tae: me again?

Namjoon: you just started. To make it even~

Tae: argh... Okay... Dare.

Namjoon thinks of a dare. He sees a familiar figure. A boy walking to a table to sit and eat alone. He smirks.

Namjoon: kiss that nerd over there~

Tae: the loser? Are you kidding me? No one would want that loser...

Namjoon: I'll pay you~

Tae: how much?

Namjoon: 15 million won~

That number enticed Tae.

Tae: fine. Deal.

Yoongi: ooh~ that nerd? I dare you to deflower him~

Namjoon: ooh~ that'll be interesting~

Tae: what?! I'm not having sex with that little bitch. Also how do you even know he's a virgin?

Namjoon: who'd wanna fuck a nerd?

Tae: you wanna fuck a slut.

Namjoon: it's a dare...

Tae: hmm... Isn't this also a dare?

Namjoon: you're arguing against your own argument dumbass.

Tae and Namjoon glared at each other. Yoongi rolled his eyes. He looked at Jimin. He's always wearing crop tops with shorts that are very form fitted or skirts. He's parent's are a mystery as well.

Namjoon: simping over the slut?

Yoongi: shut up Namjoon.

Namjoon: woah! Getting all defensive over your boyfriend~

Yoongi: why you-

Tae: ya! Be quiet. Also I will except more money for fucking that loser.

Yoongi: how much?

Namjoon: ooh~ 50 million~

Yoongi: I don't got that kind of money. I ain't no multi millionaire you fucking moran.

Namjoon: 30 million. Happy ya whining little bitch?

Yoongi rolled his eyes.

Tae: deal.

Truth or dare? (Taekook 18+)Where stories live. Discover now