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Jungkook is completely broken. He gave birth to the baby. He's been missing for a year now.

Hiroshi: here you go princess~

Jungkook was sitting on the floor. He was looking down with no emotion. Hiroshi lifted his chin up.

Hiroshi: that's no way to treat your lover princess~ think about it, I love you and need you to be with me.

Jungkook didn't respond. Hiroshi slapped him. Jungkook didn't say anything.

Hiroshi: you want a punishment?!

Jungkook: no...

Hiroshi sighed. He placed the food on the floor. Jungkook looked at it. He grabbed his daughter.

Jungkook: thank god you look like me...

Jungkook smells her hair. He starts to cry remembering his baby. Jungkook wants to die. He hates his life. He doesn't wanna leave his daughter with a monster. Even if he does kill himself, Hiroshi might just have sex with his dead body. He's disgusting.

Jungkook: my little princess... My Yuri...

He kisses her little hands. He sobs.

Jungkook: I wish we could just get out of here!

Jungkook sobs while holding her. He feels cool air. He sees the hatch wasn't closed all the way. Jungkook went over to it. He pushed it open. He gasped. He got out. He opened the front door and ran outside. He held his daughter close. Hiroshi saw he was gone and he saw him running. He chased after him. Jungkook ran far. Hiroshi eventually grabbed him. Jungkook was kicking and screaming.

Hiroshi: you've been bad enough!

He threw Jungkook to the ground. Jungkook protected his baby's head.

Hiroshi: you need to get punished right here, right now!

He grabbed Jungkooks legs. He started to drag him to a tree. He pinned him down and he started to take his clothes off. Jungkook was fighting him but he over powered him. Jungkook was crying. His baby was besides him crying. Jungkook wanted to hold her. Hiroshi was pissed.

Hiroshi: make it shut up before I do!

Jungkook held her. He started to feed her. She stopped crying. Jungkook was gently sushing her. Hiroshi started to touch Jungkook after she stopped crying. She fell asleep. Jungkook laid her on his shirt. He punched Hiroshi in the face. He untied his leg. He grabbed Yuri and he ran with her again. He saw a road. A car hit him but they slowed down before it could do any damage. The person got out of the car. He gasped.

Tae: baby!

Tae picked him up. Jungkook looked at him.

Jungkook: Tae!

They get in the car. Jungkook counts onto Tae the entire time.

Jungkook: I missed you do much!

Tae: I missed you too!

Jungkook: I love you!

Taro: mama!

Jungkook: my baby!

He hugged him. Taro is now 2 almost three years old.

Jungkook: you have a baby sister.

Tae: is that his kid?

Jungkook: no, it's yours. He took a DNA test on her... The results were you and me. You got be pregnant before he could.

Tae: I love you.

Jungkook: I love you as well... How is everyone?...

Tae: well, everyone was worried about you. Your mom was frantic.

Jungkook: ooh no... Mama... We need to see her...

Tae: I just came from her house... Who kidnapped you?...

Jungkook: that guy Hiroshi!

Tae: damn! I knew it! They couldn't find you! I wish they'd looked harder!

Jungkook: baby... It's okay... I'm fine now... I really am...

Tae: I love you baby...

Jungkook: I love you too...

Truth or dare? (Taekook 18+)Where stories live. Discover now