car accident

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Jungkook was still missing Tae. He was bored. He'd usually be having sex with him around this time. Jungkook lays on the bed looking up. He sighs. He grabs his keys and he goes to the store. After buying his favorite snacks, he starts to drive back home. A car then suddenly speeds in front of him. Jungkook was shocked.

Jungkook: fucking asshole!

Jungkook didn't notice the car also speeding coming right towards his wide of the car. It crashed into his. He would eventually pass out. After being taken to the hospital, Jungkook would have severe head trauma.

Jin: is he gonna be okay?...

Doctor: yeah. He'll lose memory of people he hasn't seen in two weeks or less.

Jin: he's gonna forget Tae...

Doctor: are you married to him?

The doctor noticed they both had wedding rings.

Jin: ooh, no. He's just my best friend. His husband is at home. He doesn't know this happened... I'm married to someone else.

Doctor: ooh, okay. He'll awaken son. Maybe later today or tomorrow.

Jimin rushed to the hospital to see Jungkook.

Jimin: baby Koo... Are you okay?...

Jin: he's okay. No bones are broken or sprained by a miracle. Nothing is fractured either. He just had some head trauma. He's going to forget Tae...

Jimin: ooh shit... Really?

Jin: yeah.

Jimin: it sucks he's going to forget his own husband... St least he didn't forget about us...

Jin: yeah...

Truth or dare? (Taekook 18+)Where stories live. Discover now