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Jin was now in labor. It was when he was at home and his school fell into labor. Namjoon was with him. They both went to the hospital. His parents were waiting outside, dying to see the new baby.

Jin: ahh! This shit hurts like hell!

Jin was crying and screaming in pain. Namjoon was besides him holding his hand as he fried in pain.

Jin: ahhh! This shut hurts! Ahh!

After she was born, The doctors cleaned up. They laid the baby on Jin's chest. He held her close and he started to cry.

Jin: she's so beautiful!...

Namjoon: she really is... Oh my god...

The doctor eventually came to take her to get her cleaned.

Namjoon: we did it!

Jin: I did it Namjoon! I gave birth to her!

Namjoon: ahh... Right, right.. Sorry angel...

Jin smiled at Namjoon.

Jin: you're so funny~

(Next week)

Since they were still on break Namjoon and Jin got to hold with their new bundle of joy. Her name was Nari. Jin's parents kept coming over and they brought them a whole few months worth of baby supplies. They gave them a crib, diapers, wipes, basically anything the baby needs.

Jin: she's so beautiful...

Jin kept kissing all over her face.

Namjoon: yeah... I can't believe it...

Jin: me neither. We did it though. She's our first and last child.

Namjoon: I agree. Not being able to touch you was hard for me...

Jin: I know. At least we got some good photos. I don't miss having a big belly but feeling her move was just so amazing. Hearing her cry for the first time made me realize that there was a person inside of me and that I did make a human.

Namjoon: I starter to cry a little when I saw her cute little face.

Jin: she looks like me. She just has your cute dimples.

Namjoon: she has your eyes but my lips.

Jin: she has my nose.

Namjoon: prettiest little angel~

Suddenly there was a knock at their front door.

Jin: I'll get it. It's probably my mom and dad.

Once Jin opened the door, he gasped.

Chris: hi princess~

(Not the Chris Felix is dating, the other Chris lol)

Jin was about to close the door until Chris grabbed his wrist.

Jin: stop it! Let me go! Namjoon!

Namjoon ran to the living room as soon as he heard Jin scream. He saw Chris trying to take him away. Namjoon grabbed Jin and he held him close.

Namjoon: go to our room baby...

Jin runs to their room and he holds their baby. He hides in the closet with her.

Namjoon: leave us alone you sick bastard!

Chris: he's mine... No one else's... Only mine...

Namjoon: fuck off you bitch! He's my baby! You did nothing but hurt him!

Chris: and you didn't? The amount of times you called him a slut. Didn't you also try to force yourself on him?

Namjoon: shut up!

Chris: he's better off with me. He'll grow to love me. Not you. He doesn't love you. Have you read his diary? I have. He totally misses me.

Namjoon: he doesn't! You raped him and left him alone! Now you're stalking him and trying to hurt him again because seeing him happy makes you jealous and upset!

Chris: shut up! I want him with me! He's mine! Only mine!

Namjoon: fuck off!

Namjoon slammed the door on his face.
He went back to Jin.

Jin: is he gone?...

Namjoon: yes angel...

Jin sighed in relief.

Namjoon: I'm getting the door from now on. Okay?

Jin nodded. Namjoon hugged him and he kissed his lips.

Namjoon: what do you write about in your diary?

Jin: nothing much. I just write about how I feel.

Namjoon: anything about me?...

Jin: why are you asking?

Namjoon: I just wanna know.

Jin: it's not really important Namjoon.

Namjoon: well, if it's about me it is...

Jin: it's fine. Let's just go to bed...

Jin lays the baby down. He then lays down. Namjoon holds Jin as he sleeps. He wants to know what's in his dairy. He's dying to know now.

Namjoon: baby?

He didn't get a response. Jin was fast asleep. He reached over to grab his diary. He started to read it from page one. Nothing much really caught his eye while reading it. He then realizes what he's doing. Suddenly a sentence caught his eye.

"Namjoon is too clingy on me"

The hurt his feelings. He thought Jin liked when he saw clingy. He now thinks whatever Chris said was right. Maybe Jin is falling out of love with him. Namjoon closes Jin's diary. He places it on the night table besides Jin's side or the bed. Namjoon sighs.

Namjoon: is he falling out of love with me?...

Truth or dare? (Taekook 18+)Where stories live. Discover now