Yoongi's dare

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Tae: deal...

Yoongi: great.

They had to go to their next class. Yoongi had practice.

Namjoon: remember your dare guys.

Yoongi: remember yours to.

Namjoon: I will hobbit~

Yoongi: fuck you!

Namjoon: nah, you're not my tupe~ thanks for the offer shortie~

Yoongi started hitting him.

Yoongi: you mother fucker!

The principal pulled them apart. Yoongi flipped Namjoon off who rolled his eyes and laughed. He went to his classes. Tae went to his class which he had with Jungkook. They sat on opposite sides of the classroom. He was gonna sit next to him hopefully, not today though.

Yoongi: this dare will either get me lot's of money, or get me killed, or I might have that slut in my bed~

Yoongi smirked. He imagined Jimin under him, screaming his name. He realized what he was doing. He saw Jin and Jimin talking in the changing room. They both were already changed. He frowned.

Yoongi: I missed the good part...

He sighed.

Yoongi: guess I can't watch hotties change today.

Jimin: you like anyone?

Jin: I don't know... Guess not...

Jimin: hmm... Well I do~

Jin: who?

Jimin: he's on our basketball team~

Yoongi's hear started to beat.

Jin: who?

Jimin: Bogum~

Jin: ooh~

Yoongi sighed. He chuckled at himself. Why would he like Yoongi? They don't even know each other. He watched as they were leaving to warm up. He went behind Jimin and pulled up his skirt and took a picture. Jimin turned around. He saw no one.

Jimin: who did that?!

Jin: what happened?...

Jimin: some creep looked up my skirt!

Jin: ooh no!

Jimin sighed.

Jimin: let's just go... I'll complain later...

Yoongi smirked. He sent the picture to Namjoon.

Namjoon: awesome!

Yoongi: gosh, I wanna fuck him.

Namjoon: tell that to Tae.

Yoongi: if you tell him I'll kill you!

Namjoon: okay, calm down you psycho.

Yoongi: ugh... I feel hard just looking at this image. His perfectly rounded ass~

Namjoon: Lmaooo! Go fuck that slut! Tae won't know!

Yoongi: what if Jimin tells Tae?

Namjoon: good luck with that one, or use a fake name.

Yoongi: I'm using yours. So you can get your ass kicked.

Namjoon: you little fucker...

Yoongi: bye bitch.

Yoongi turned off his phone and smirked. He got ready for practice along with the other boys. He saw the cheerleaders. He looked at Jimin and smirked.

Truth or dare? (Taekook 18+)Where stories live. Discover now