graduation (last one)

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It's their graduation. They get ready to go. Jimin wears his best outfit. He gets his makeup professionally done. So does Jin and Jungkook. They wear their nicest outfits. They are more then excited.

Jungkook: I can't wait! Omg! I wanna cry!

Jin: it'll ruin your expensive makeup!

Jungkook: I know!

Jimin: just take a deep breath.

Jungkook: I'm just go happy! We've made it this far! We actually did it! We did it! We made it through the year! I get to hang up all my diplomas once we get a new house!

Jimin: I know! I'm so excited!

Jin: okay, we can do it! I'm just so excited! I can't believe it! We're actually done with school!

Jimin: yeah!

Jin hugs them.

Jin: because if you guys, I managed to make friends and become who I am right now! I made it through the year with the bestest people ever!

Jimin: aww! You're gonna make me cry!

Jungkook: I'm already starting to cry!

Jin: don't cry sweetie!

They get ready to go to their seats. Jin was sitting next to Namjoon as their last names are the exact same. Jungkook was besides Jin. Since there were no people with N last names Jimin say next to Yoongi.

Jimin: I'm so excited!

Yoongi: me to.

He kisses Jimin on the cheek. Jimin kisses him back. Yoongi looks at the ring he gave to Jimin. He loves that Jimin wears it all the time. He wants to marry Jimin before Tae can. He planned their wedding and everything. His love for Jimin turned into obsession.

Yoongi: I love you Jimin. I love you so much.

Jimin: I love you too.

He smiles at him. Yoongi holds his waist posessively.

Yoongi: I can't wait to marry you.

Jimin: I can't wait either. After we get married, we can buy a house together.

Yoongi: what about Tae and Jungkook?

Jimin: J discussed this with them. I told them it'll be easier if I lived with you.

Yoongi liked the sound of that.

Jimin: but, I come over to see them often. I wanna marry then too.

Yoongi: fine.

Jimin smiled. At least Jimin gets to be with Yoongi.

Jimin: I wanna have a baby with you Yoongi.

Yoongi: maybe after a year I get a job and we get a house.

Jimin: okay.

He gives him another kiss. They then see their row get up. They go to the stage. They get their diplomas and they sit back down and wait for everyone else to finish up.

Jimin: I'm so happy! Oh my god! All this work better come to good use!

Yoongi: yeah. I'm glad as well.

Jimin: you're gonna be an engineer. I'm gonna be a cosmetologist.

Yoongi: you'll be amazing. Your products will be famous.

Jimin: thanks baby.

They share another kiss.

Jimin: love you so much. I can't say it enough~

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