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Jimin was walking to his class when he ran into Yoongi. Jimin looked at him. Yoongi looked at him. Jimin was above to walk passed him until Yoongi grabbed his wrist and brought him into an empty classroom.

Jimin: what? I have class.

Yoongi: look... I'm sorry about everything... I am... I don't know how to deal with all of this... We broke up and because we did, everything has been going worse for me...

Jimin: like what?...

Yoongi: Jimin... I don't know how to tell you this but...

Jimin: what?...

Yoongi: I have...

Jimin: what?...

Yoongi: I have cancer...

Jimin: what?... Are you joking?... Please tell me your joking... This isn't funny...

Yoongi: I'm not joking... I found out yesterday...

Jimin: was kind?...

Yoongi: kidney...

Jimin: for how long?...

Yoongi: it just started...

Jimin: I can help you! Please! Let me help you! Please!

Yoongi: but why?...

Jimin: because... I still love you! I'm going to help treat you! I can't lose you to!

Yoongi: you would do this for me?...

Jimin: yes! I would!

Yoongi: okay. Thank you Jimin. I love you.

Jimin: I love you to!

Yoongi kisses Jimin on the lips. Jimin kisses back. They hug. They then go to the hospital.

Jimin: I would like to pay for his surgery.

Doctor: okay. When would you like to preform it?

Jimin: now.

Doctor: well, you have to pay.

Jimin: I will now! Let me pay!

Doctor: okay! Calm down sir!

Jimin paid. They set up the surgery. Jimin waited patiently. After what felt like forever, the doctor came out of the room.

Jimin: how is he?...

Doctor: he's fine. Fortunately we removed the tumor.

Jimin was so happy he hugged the doctor.

Jimin: thank you so much!

Doctor: ahh.. Of course!

Jimin felt relief. He was glad they caught it early, and he was glad Yoongi told him. Otherwise Yoongi would've died.

(Next day)

Jimin: I think he might be awake now...

Jimin goes to visit Yoongi me is away now. Yoongi smiles when he sees Jimin.

Jimin: hi Yoongi. Are you okay?

Yoongi: I'm fine.

Jimin: good.

Yoongi kissed his lips. Jimin kissed back.

Jimin: I'm glad you're okay Yoongi...

Yoongi: yeah... That was the scariest moment of my life...

Jimin: yeah... I get it... I'm just glad you're okay now...

Yoongi: yeah... All because of you my love.

Jimin: want to retry?

Yoongi: let's retry.

Jimin and Yoongi kiss once more and they spend time with each other the whole day.

Truth or dare? (Taekook 18+)Where stories live. Discover now