never mind

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Tae has noticed Yoongi has been moody and whiney about everything.

Tae: baby you good?

Yoongi: fuck off you bitch!

Tae: okay damn...

Jimin: he isn't happy about being pregnant. He feels forced the keep it because of you Tae.

Tae: well... He doesn't have to...

Yoongi: I'm aborting it right now.

Tae: fine. Do it.

Yoongi gets up to abort the baby. He doesn't want kids with Tae.

Yoongi: I did it. I'm not keeping a baby with you.

Tae: why?

Yoongi: because... I don't wanna be trapped with you.

Tae: so you actually even like me? Or are you only doing this for Jimin? Because I don't remember you ever saying the words I love you to me... I say it to you all the time...

Yoongi: well... No... Do you even like me?...

Tae: yes...

Yoongi: well, I guess this is one sided...

Tae felt hurt. Yoongi turned around and he left. Jimin was shocked. He went after him.

Jimin: why did you join the relationship if you don't like Tae?...

Yoongi: because of you... You love him and you love me... So I thought it'd be better to just be there for you... I don't like him like that.

Jimin: really?...

Yoongi: yeah... I don't...

Jimin: ooh...

Yoongi: are you going to stay with him or stay with me?...

Jimin: you can't give me the choice... That's not fair... You know it's not fair...

Yoongi: for fuck's sake he's your brother...

Jimin: we're not biologically related...

Yoongi: does it matter?

Jimin: it does... I love him! He loves me!

Yoongi: so you choose him?

Jimin: I... I don't know....

Yoongi: you have until Friday...

Jimin: that's in two days...

Yoongi: I know. That's how long you'll have... Two days at this time.

Jimin: but-

Yoongi: I'm leaving Jimin. You decide what you want.

Yoongi leaves Jimin there crying. He doesn't want to chose. His parents call him.

Mrs. Park: dear... I have terrible news...

Jimin: what?...

Mrs. Park: your father... He's...

Jimins heart started to beat fast.

Jimin: he's what?... is he okay?!

Mrs. Park: he's in the hospital... He's not well...

Jimin: I'm coming!

Jimin rushed back into the dorm.

Jimin: mom called! Dad isn't good! He's in the hospital!

Tae: what?!

Tae and Jimin leave. They go to the hospital.

Jimin: papa!

Truth or dare? (Taekook 18+)Where stories live. Discover now