Club 18+

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Jungkook and Tae were out. Jungkook wanted to get wasted with Tae.

Jungkook: Tae~ I think we should get crazy drunk~

Tae: of course~

Jungkook and Tae share a kiss. Jungkook takes his hand. They enter the club. Jungkook was wearing a dark red crop top and a mini skirt which was also dark red. He was wearing high heels and red lipstick.

Tae: you always look sexy~

Jungkook cups Taes face.

Jungkook: you always look sexy as well~

They share another kiss. They go to the bar and they sit down. Jungkook ordered a drink and Tae did as well.

Jungkook: tomorrow, Yenji starts school again.

Tae: I know. She's nervous about it. I know she is.

Jungkook: it's okay though. She's started the first grade.

Tae: hmm. She'll get over her fear.

Jungkook: yeah.

Jungkook watches the bartender make his drink. After receiving it, Tae orders his. Jungkook starts to drink his.

Jungkook: damn, how wasted do you wanna get?

Tae: so wasted, I might fuck you until were both blacked out.

Jungkook: damn. I might black out before you. You're more so a heavy drinker then I am.

Tae: true.

After a few drinks, Jungkook got completely wasted. Tae wasn't completely drunk though. He was aware of how wasted Jungkook was and he knew he couldn't have sex with him because it wouldn't be very consensual. Jungkook was very drunk.

Tae: baby, we need to go home.

Jungkook: but, I wanna fuck you daddy~

Tae: maybe later but not now.

They get into the car. Jungkook kept trying to get on Taes lap but Tae was stopping him.

Tae: baby put your seat belt back on.

Jungkook: but daddy~ I want you to touch me~

Tae: I forget how needy you are when you're drunk. I can't have sex with you baby. It's not right. I don't wanna hurt you.

Jungkook: come on~ I know you want my body~

Tae: oh baby... If I start, I don't think I'll be able to stop.

Those words sent shivers down Jungkooks spine.

Jungkook: then let's do it~

Tae: I can't.

Jungkook was sobering up. He placed his hand on Taes thigh. He started to move his hand closer to his crotch. Tae eventually pulled the car over. He got hard. Jungkook noticed it. Jungkook got on his lap. They started to make out. Tae had his hands on Jungkooks butt. He was squeezing it. Jungkook was moaning.

Tae: you sure? I'll destroy your ass baby.

Jungkook: yes, I'm sure daddy~

They start to make out. They make it to the back seat. Tae gets on top of Jungkook. He bites his lower lip and he starts to suck on it. A moan escaped Jungkooks lips. Tae entered his tongue into his mouth. He was deeply making out with him. Shoving his tongue into the back on his throat. Jungkook was gripping Taes shirt. Tae went to Jungkooks neck. He left bite marks all over it. Jungkook was getting even more needy. Tae started to unbutton his shirt. Once he got it off, Tae started to take off Jungkooks shirt then his skirt. Once that was off Tae took off his pants. He went to Jungkooks bare chest and he left kisses on it. Tae caresses his waist. He leaves a kiss on Jungkooks belly button.

Jungkook: ahh~

Tae turns him over. He kisses his nape and his shoulders. He goes to his ear.

Tae: you ready baby?~

Jungkook nods. Tae caresses his delicate waist again. He goes hard into him. Jungkook moans out loud. It of course hurt at first but then it got better as time progressed. Each thrust only made Jungkook moan even louder. It was so loud that a lady knocked on the window of their car. Tae got distracted and came into Jungkook. He cursed under his breath. Jungkook puts Taes shirt on and he buttoned it up. Tae put his pants on. The lady worked at an orphanage.

Jungkook: did you seriously park in front of an orphanage?

Tae: I didn't know. Its dark out.

Lady: the children are trying to sleep! All they hear are those ungodly sounds coming from this car!

Tae: you don't care that were two guys?

Lady: or course I don't care. You love who you love, but, I don't want the kids to be disturbed by loud sinful noises. They are up crying and some wanted to see what those sounds were. Please do that some where else.

Jungkook: okay then.

Jungkook features Tae to drive off. After apologizing once more, they go home.

Tae: baby you're probably pregnant again.

Jungkook: what?! Ooh! Shit! I wanted it to be planned!

Tae: let's pretend it is? I mean, you said you've been wanting more kids.

Jungkook: true. Jimin is pregnant again as well.

Tae: I know. I figured he was anyways.

Jungkook sighs.

Jungkook: baby number four I guess. Jimin has more then me. Jin hyung only has Nari.

Tae: yeah, him and Namjoon hyung are always busy or they just want to spend time with each other but nothing too psychical like that.

Jungkook: true.

They take a shower together. Tae holds Jungkooks waist.

Tae: can I clean your belly button?

Jungkook: weirdo.

Tae: his?

Jungkook: you're so weird for no reason.

Tae: only for you~

Jungkook: no, you're just weird in general.

Tae: okay baby~

He kisses his lips. Jungkook kisses him back.

Jungkook: it's 3 am. We should go to sleep.

Tae: yeah, we should.

Jungkook and Tae leave the shower. Jungkook puts on a white half shirt and some shorts. Tae puts on a pair of pajama pants. They lay down. Jungkook falls asleep instantly. Tae just admires Jungkooks face and he watches him sleep. Tae caresses his face. He places a kiss on his nose. He holds him close.

Truth or dare? (Taekook 18+)Where stories live. Discover now