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After what happened, Jungkook can only fear Tae. He just wants him to get better. That's all he wants. He looked up why Tae is acting like this. Many results. He's a controlling abuser which is most likely. He's paranoid Jungkook would leave him. He's a psychopath. Many different results. Jungkook doesn't know what to do. He sighs. It was 8 am. Everyone was asleep. He went downstairs to the kitchen. He wanted some water. He opened the cabinet to get a glass. He felt so pair of arms wrapped around his belly. He turned around. He saw Tae. Before he could scream, Tae held a gun to his belly button. Jungkook was crying.

Jungkook: what do you want?...

Tae: I want you to come with me...

Jungkook: okay...

Tae took Jungkook to his car. It was parked far away so no one could see it. Jungkook was crying. Tae placed his hand on his thigh. He started to rub it. Jungkook didn't want him to touch him. Jungkook felt disgusted. It felt wrong to be disgusted by his own husbands touch. That's how he felt though. Tae was just creepily touching his thigh.

Tae: we're gonna go back home, you're gonna strip in front of me, I'm gonna fuck you, you're gonna take it.

Jungkook: why?...

Tae looked at Jungkook darkly.

Jungkook: why are you hurting me all of a sudden?... This all started last week... It all started last week when you hit me... You laid your hands on me... I'm married to you... Why did you change?... Which told you to hurt me like this?... This isn't love Tae... It's not... You can't hurt me and expect me to love you in return... Please... Stop hurting me...

Tae: listen... The day we for married something changed in me. I didn't see my nerdy, sweet, and kind Jungkook anymore... I saw someone else... You changed... You're more of a slut. You dress like one as well. What're you trying to do huh? More guys look at you... More guys eye down your body which is only mine to look at like that...

Jungkook: I belong to no one!

Tae: you belong to me!

Jungkook: if that's the case you belong to me then!

Tae: we're supposed to belong to each other but you fucked that up!

Jungkook: fuck you!

Tae: gladly~

Jungkook looked at Tae. He couldn't hold back. He got on his lap and they started to make out. One thing led to another and they were in the backseat of Taes car having deep sex. Jungkook enjoyed all of it.

Tae: damn. I miss this body of yours~

Jungkook: I miss that body of yours~

Jungkook left some hickeys on Taes neck. Was their relationship very much so toxic? Yes. Was Tae never going to be forgiven? As of right now, by Jungkook never. If a guy were to lay his hands on you, leave him. Jungkook knows he can't leave Tae. I guess they just obsessed with each other.

Truth or dare? (Taekook 18+)Where stories live. Discover now