last semester

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Tae was walking to the boys locket room. He tried out for the boy's basketball team. Jungkook and Jimin were in the other locker room, changing their clothes.

Jimin: hey, Jungkook?

Jungkook: yeah?

Jimin: umm so, I'm seeing Yoongi again...

Jungkook: really?

Jimin: I just missed him so much...

Jungkook: does Tae know?

Jimin: no. I don't know how he'd react. Yoongi took a break from the team for a while. Something came up a few months ago and he needed to take a break.

Jungkook: ooh, okay. Well as long as you're happy, but...

Jimin: what?

Jungkook: isn't what you did to Yoongi the same thing you're doing now?

Jimin: what do you mean?

Jungkook: playing with his feelings.

Jimin: what?

Jungkook: Jimin, he's obviously so into you. He's so in love with you but he's not with us. You clearly don't appreciate him enough, stop playing with his heart. You're still with me and Tae. Do you really love him or are you just telling yourself that?

Jimin: I do love him. I know I do.

Jungkook: well, if you do then you either need to leave Tae and go back with Yoongi or leave him. He's not gonna wanna be around Tae. You can't keep hopping back and forth.

Jimin: I know... It's just... I love him...

Jungkook: yet you chose Tae so quickly.

Jimin: yeah... I'm a mess...

Jungkook: it's okay sweetie...

Jimin hugs Jungkook. Jungkook hugs him back. Tae then enters their dressing room

Tae: hey~ how do I look?~

Jimin: sexy~

Tae goes over to Jimin and he kisses his lips. Jungkook stands up and kisses Tae lips as well.

Jungkook: let's go. You can't be in here anyways.

Tae: it's just you to~

Jungkook: you're such a creep.

They leave the dressing room and Jimin and Jungkook meet up with the girls.

Lisa: hey~

Jimin: hey~

Rosè: okay, we're ready.

Jimin: okay good.

Jimin felt someone smack his butt. He turned around and he saw Yoongi. He hugged him.

Jimin: hi baby.

Yoongi: hi baby.

They share a kiss. Jungkook just looks at them. He sighed.

Jungkook: when will he stop playing with his poor heart?...

Yoongi: I missed you angel.

Jimin: I missed you too. How come you took a long break from school?

Yoongi: I've been feeling a little sick but I'm fine now.

Jimin: are you sure?

Yoongi: yes. Thinking about you made me feel better.

Jimin smiled at him. They share a kiss again. Suddenly Tae comes over.

Yoongi: see you baby.

Jimin: bye.

Tae: what was he doing?

Jimin: nothing... Just get back to practice Tae.

Tae: okay.

Jennie: you okay Jimin?

Jimin: I'm fine. Just got a lot on my mind right now.

Jennie: don't worry boo~ this semester is almost over! Then it's break!

Jimin: yup. After this one then the next one I'll get my graduates degree. My last year of college I'll get my doctorate degree. I can't wait.

Jennie: yup! Me and Lisa are thinking about moving in together. How is it leaving with Tae and Jungkook?

Jimin: well you don't get your own space, but it's nice to live with those you love.

Jennie: okay good. I really love her and she and I wanna move in together.

Jimin: okay, well that's good for you to.

Jennie: thanks Jimin!

She gives him a hug. He hugs her back. He always knew they'd end up dating. They are always around each other.

Jisoo: Rosè~ what are you doing?~

Rosè: nothing much Jisoo~

Jisoo: hmm~

Rosè: what?~

Jisoo: you're so pretty~

Rosè: you're so pretty~

They smile at each other.

Truth or dare? (Taekook 18+)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ