Twenty three

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Hailey was given a diary for her birthday and she took advantage of writing in it. Confessing her feelings and this feeling that this year is a bit different.

Dear diary,

School is about to start and I've got everything packed. We're on our way to the Leaky Couldrin where I hope Harry is at. I haven't heard much from him and wonder how things are at home for him. I know he's mistreated because of his wizarding, but that's not his fault. That's just who Harry is. I have yet to tell him how I feel after last years kiss, but I hope he feels the same because if I confess and he doesn't see me like that, I'm sure I will break.

"Hailey, we're here." 

The blonde Granger got out and looked at her twin. "Time to get this done and over with."

"We just have to wait for Harry."

"Works for me."

Hermione grabbed her sister. "You need to tell him."

I forgot to mention, Hermione and I have been getting along.

Hailey nodded, but stopped as she saw a wanted poster of Sirius Black and wondered who he was and what crime did he commit. For now, she was going to rest up in hopes of seeing Harry Potter. 

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