Thirty two

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All houses had to meet in the common's area to hand over their forms for the trip. "Harry, did they sign yours?" Hailey asked.

"No." He tells her. "I was going to see if someone else would.'

"I wouldn't try it. They want Vernon or Petunia's signature. You might have to find another way of going on this trip." She tells him as he held her hand. "I don't have to turn my in if you want someone to hang out with. I don't mind."

Harry looked at her. "It's tempting, but I don't want you missing out on being with your twin. Hermione may just drag you there." He tells her. "Don't worry. I will find away to get there."

Nodding, the blonde rested her head on his shoulder as he put his arm around her waist. Hermione looked at them and knew she would have to speak to them separately. She took Hailey's paper and gave it to Professor McGonagall. Ron looked at his two friends to see how they were. "When do you think they will date?"

"I have no clue, but I will have to talk to them alone."

"I'll help."
Harry saw Hailey walking further away from the others causing him to grab her and kiss her quickly. "See you soon."

"Okay." She says as she ran off causing Harry to laugh.

"Hey, Harry." He heard Fred. "We have a way to help you go on this trip. Follow us."

Following the twins, Harry was going to go on this trip and have a day with Hailey Granger.

Sorry it's short. What do you want to see happen in the next chapter?

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