Thirty one

288 25 4

Filler chapter
Hailey found a spot at night to sit and calm down in the common room. She never saw Harry as he walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." She says looking at him. "Just scared at the moment. With Sirius Black, who for some reason isn't making sense of what he wants, is near here and the dementor." She sighed. "Harry, what's going to happen to us? All four of us stay in danger because we stick together."

Harry turned her around to get her to look at him more. "Don't worry about what is happening because the four of us always come back on top." He tells her moving her hair. "Like it was last year. We're all a team."

The blonde smiled till she saw him leaning in causing her to lean up. Once their lips touch, Hailey wrapped her arms around his neck as they made out. They pulled back and smiled at one another before sharing one last kiss before heading to their rooms.

Deep in the shadow stood Ginny who was glaring at the two. She wanted Harry to look at her the way he looks at Hailey Granger, but he won't. She knows the only person he wants is right there. Hailey will always be the one for Harry and she knows it. Deciding to walk away, Ginny decided that she may be wrong about who she likes because at the same time, she wants Hailey Granger too.

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