Twenty nine

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Filler chapter

Hailey couldn't believe that Draco was reporting this to his father even thought he provoked Buckbeak instead of what Harry did. She didn't notice anyone. "Why are you out here?" She looked to see Harry.

"Worried about Hagrid. He was so excited about teaching and now that will be ruin because of Draco." She says looking back out towards the hut. "That man is going to be hurt because we both know what is going to happen."

"We will try our best to save Buckbeack."

Hailey put her head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around her. They were the only two who understood at the moment as they know their friend. They didn't notice anyone watching them in that moment. In the dark shadow, Remus watched them and knew. Hailey Granger is the only person who may get Harry to listen to him about his parents. He has to make sure that Sirius is innocent first.

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