Prologue- The End Of The War And New Beginnings

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After a long battle between the League and the Pro-heroes, Shigaraki was finally defeated by Izuku Midoriya, whose hero name is Deku. A lot of blood was shed, and lives were lost, or some thought. The Villain Twice, the Pro Hero Midnight, the Pro Hero Nighteye, the Sand Pro Hero Snatch, the Villain Magic Hero, the Villain Magne, the Pro Heroes Water Hose, the Shield Pro Hero Crust, the Villain Kurogiri, the Pro Hero X-Less, the Pro Hero Majestic, and the Villain Mr. Compress. All of them, dead, or have been imprisoned in Tartarus.

Toya, formerly known as Dabi, had unfortunately burned himself during his fight with his younger brother Shoto. The staples holding his skin together wouldn't work for much longer. He had to find another solution. Those scars would never have a chance to heal if he kept overusing his quirk.

This leads to the present situation. Toya Todoroki, falling limp to the ground, soaked in his own blood from the opened staples that had been burned off. He coughed and wheezed, gasping for air from the smoke of his own flames. For the first time in his life, with a dry, raspy, hoarse voice, he uttered,

"Somebody help me." His eyes shut closed as he passed out from blood loss. The pro-hero, Hawks, otherwise known as Keigo Takami, had heard his call for help. His wings were big enough to fly again, and he immediately took off, using his sharp eyes to locate Toya's location. It didn't take him long to find Toya, and he swooped down when he saw him. For the first time in ages, Toya looked like he was in pain.

"Toya.." Hawks murmured, gently lifting the man up and flying him to the hospital. Then, he remembered something. There was a child who could undo the damage to his skin. Her name was Eri. Izuku had mentioned her to him once. Maybe he could get her to help Toya and maybe make all of his scars fade away and heal. So, he turned around and went to U.A. high. He flew at maximum speed, holding Toya close in his arms. When he reached U.A., he dove down and landed carefully. He knocked on the entrance door. All Might was the one to open it.

"Hawks, what are you doing here so late?" He asked, not noticing Toya in Hawk's arms.

"I need Eri to heal Toya. His staples busted off. He'll die if he loses too much blood. I know he's been a villain and part of the league, but he's still human and deserves help!" Hawks exclaimed, holding up the wounded Toya Todoroki, who was still unconscious.

"Let me talk to Aizawa first." All Might said. Hawks sighed but nodded.

"Bring him in before it rains. He's already soaked in his own blood from what I can tell." All Might added before going to speak to Aizawa. Hawks nodded and entered the building, closing the door with a wing. Toya stirred and grumbled as he began to wake up. Hawks looked down at him. Crap, what if Toya tried to use his quirk again? Thoughts ran through his mind as Toya's eyes snapped open.

"Keigo?" He asked, confused. Why was he in Hawks' arms? Then he remembered. He had overused his quirk again, and the staples holding his skin together had fallen off.

"Why'd you save me?" He then asked.

"You called for help, and I heard your call." Keigo said.

"But I burned your wings off during the war." Toya's tone was full of regret.

"And I killed your friend. Call it even and call it a truce." Keigo said.

"Just put me down. I can still walk." Toya said. Keigo sighed and set him on his feet. He was a bit wobbly, but he was able to stand and walk around. Keigo followed him. Just then, All Might returned with Mr. Aizawa, who, as usual, looked tired and grumpy.

"I spoke to Mr. Aizawa and he's agreed to let Eri heal Da- Toya." All Might only corrected himself because of the slight glare in Toya's cold eyes.

"Eri? Who's that?" Toya questioned.

"Her quirk is Rewind, and she can undo your injuries, Toya Todoroki." Mr. Aizawa spoke. Toya's gaze softened. Would his scars fade away?

"..Take me to her. And tell me where Shoto is. I need to say something to him later." Toya said. Aizawa nodded and led Toya to Eri, Keigo following behind.

Toya was introduced to Eri, who was initially a bit scared, but after a brief conversation between the two, she used her Rewind quirk on him. His scars faded from their purple color to more of a flesh skin tone color, and they didn't need to be held by staples.

"Thank you, Eri. You're a sweet girl." He said to her with a smile. His voice was still raspy, but it didn't hurt to talk anymore. His vocal cords didn't feel fried.

"I'm sorry I couldn't heal your vocal cords." Eri said.

"Kid, you did heal them. They don't hurt anymore. Before you healed me, it always hurt to talk. Now it doesn't hurt." Toya knelt down and gave her a hug.

"Who knew you had a soft spot for little kids?" Keigo asked with a soft chuckle, leaning against the doorframe.

"Tch, and who knew a pretty bird like you would be crazy enough to save someone like me?" Toya asked rhetorically. Keigo blushed profusely and covered his face.

"Oh, what's wrong, pretty bird? Cat gor your tongue?" Toya teased Keigo as he broke his and Eri's hug, walking over to the bird with a smirk. Keigo chirped. Damn it, why did Toya have to be so.. hot all of a sudden? Shit, was he falling for Toya?

"Says the hot one." Keigo murmured. But Toya heard it and grinned.

"You think I'm hot?" Toya asked, taking him out of the room.


"Would you date me, Keigo?"

"Maybe.." Keigo repeated.

" Keigo repeated

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