Chapter 4- Even Someone Like Him Needs Comfort

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"Toya, what were you thinking going behind my back to train at Sekoto Peak?" Enji grabbed his son's shirt collar, piercing blue eyes staring into Toya's own blue eyes.

"Lift your shirt up, boy!" Enji then commanded him. Reluctantly, the little boy lifted up his shirt, fearing what his father would do upon seeing the burn marks from using his quirk. Enji's anger increased, and he released his grip on the boy's shirt collar.

"Toya, what have I told you? I've told you to stop training!" Enji shouted at the little boy.

"But you've told me you wanted me to be strong! How can I get stronger without any training?!" Little Toya asked, irritated at his father. He stomped to his room, not wanting to talk. Toya was asleep as he dreamt this memory.

"Why's it.... my fault for listening to you... and wanting to improve my quirk and my strength.... dad? You said it... yourself. Wanted me... to be better than All Might..." Toya said in his sleep. Keigo woke up, sleepily rubbing his eyes, and he noticed that the pillows were.. wet? Had Toya been crying in his sleep? He gently shook him awake.

"Toya, are you okay?" He asked once he saw those blue eyes look down at him.

"Yeah.. 'm fine. Why're you asking?" Toya questioned, half-asleep.

"You were talking in your sleep, and I think you might've cried in it as well." Keigo said.

"Why do you think I was crying in my sleep?" The white-haired man asked, still very much sleepy. It was 3 in the morning.

"Do you not feel the soaked pillows?" Keigo was concerned for his mate.

"Now that you mention it, yeah." Toya said, slowly starting to fully wake up. He sat up, looking down at the wet pillows. They were absolutely soaked. Toya almost didn't believe it. Had he not seen how wet they were, he would've just thought Keigo was making stuff up.

"Can we go back to sleep now, birdie?" Toya asked, yawning and laying back down.

"Not until I know what you were crying about in your sleep." Keigo said. Toya frowned and sighed.

"It was a memory of my childhood where my dad shouted at me for training even though he told me to become better than All Might." Toya said. His tone was hushed and sad.

"Oh, love. How long has this been happening?" Keigo asked, wrapping his wings around the Todoroki.

"The whole 8 years since I had awoken from my coma." Toya answered. Keigo was heartbroken for his mate.

"I'm so sorry Enji did that to you." Keigo said. Toya just gently pulled him close to his chest. He needed comfort right now. By holding Keigo, it was comforting him a bit.

"I'm used to it by now." Toya mumbled, though it was audible.

"You shouldn't be used to something like that." Keigo said.

"I know, but I am used to it. I wish I wasn't." Toya sighed. Hawks wrapped his wings around him and then hugged him. Toya hugged back tightly, and a few tears were shed. Keigo was heartbroken. He'd never seen Toya cry, but, then again, for 8 years, he wasn't able to cry. His tearducts had been burned shut for 8 years. This was the first time in almost a decade that Toya was able to cry.

"I wasn't expecting this to happen. Especially at 3 in the morning. I'm sorry." Toya said, gently letting go of Keigo. But Keigo didn't let go. Instead, he pulled him closer. His shirt was probably going to get soaked, but he didn't mind. Toya gently clutched onto his shirt, tears falling from his cheeks. Keigo wrapped his wings around him. No amount of therapy could possibly fix the broken man that clung to Keigo's shirt, and neither would an empty apology from Enji.

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