Chapter 6- Second Chance And Evening Cuddles

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"Before we officially ban you from the Commission, I'd like to ask you a few questions about Dabi, whom you're dating. Depending on your responses, I may unban you. Take it as a chance to redeem yourself." The President spoke.

"What would you like to know about Toya?" Keigo asked.

"First of all, why do you call Dabi by the name of the missing Todoroki son?" That was the first question asked.

"That's his real name, and he hasn't gone by his Dabi alias since he revealed himself." Keigo answered.

"Do you know why he no longer goes by Dabi?"

"His name's out there. Why would he keep going by a fake name after revealing himself to the whole world?"

"I suppose it would make no sense to go by a fake name in that situation. How long have you been seeing Toya?"

"Only a month. It's nothing too serious." Keigo felt like he was being interrogated, and he technically was.

"Really? Then, would you care to explain what happened a few weeks ago?"

"We were just out for a walk on the park, having a conversation like anybody else would. Then he played with my wings. That's all that happened." Keigo responded, leaving a few details out.

"Call him."


"I said to call him." Keigo reluctantly followed orders and called Toya's phone.

"Good, now put it on speaker when he answers." The President commanded. Keigo did as told.

"Hello? Keigo, darling, why are you calling me? Did your meeting end early?" Toya asked into the phone.

"No, it didn't. I just wanted to call you." Keigo said. It was partially a lie. The meeting didn't end, but he was forced to call him.

"Anyways, what are you doing?" Keigo asked.

"Just preparing us some food for when you get home. I'm making your favorite." Toya said. The President of the Commission looked at Keigo with a rather unamused look before then proceeding to snatch the phone out of Keigo's hands.

"This is the President of the Hero Comission, and I have a question for you, Toya." The President spoke.

"What is it?" Toya asked.

"What do you as a former villain gain from dating pro-hero Hawks?" It was very direct.

"Well, I gain love and a future husband and possibly family." Toya's answer was genuine. The President could tell.

"And do you plan on committing any crimes?" Another question.

"Unless Keigo or my family get injured severely, I don't plan on it. I'm quite happy with how things are right now. Even if I haven't accomplished my goal. Like you said, I'm a former villain." Toya said.

"Last question. Do you think he should stay in the Commission?"

"I think it should be his choice. I don't care if he's part of the Commission or not. That's his choice. Not mine." Toya answered, dead serious. The call immediately ended after Toya's response, and Keigo got his phone back.

"I have come to a conclusion." The President spoke. Keigo looked nervous for what the conclusion was.

"You are unbanned from the Commission, but if Toya committs an unforgivable crime such as murder, you will be banned once more." Keigo nodded and smiled.

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