Chapter 8- Delivery, Proposal, And Arrival

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It had been two weeks since Toya and Keigo found out they were expecting. It was a bit early, but they were both very eager. Plus, they both wanted to know the possibilities if there would be an egg or a baby, possible there may be multiple of each. Keigo gripped Toya's hand as they walked into the doctor's office. Everybody recognized them, yet nobody said a word about it. They found two seats and sat down. Keigo laid his head on Toya's shoulder as they waited for the doctor to call them. Luckily, it wasn't much of a wait.

"Keigo Takami?" That was their cue, and they followed the nurse into the room. Normal procedures were run on Keigo by the nurse.

"Everything is normal. The doctor should be with you any minute now." The nurse said.

"Are you ready to find out if there's gonna be a baby or an egg in that belly of yours?" Toya asked.

"Of course I'm ready. I've been waiting since we found out to see if it'll be an egg or baby." Keigo said.

"Egg or baby, my nickname for 'em until they're born is always gonna be baby bird." Toya said. Soon, the doctor entered the room, and she was a bird heteromorph just like Keigo. She got the gel and the monitor screen ready and put the gel on Keigo's stomach. Keigo chirped in surprise by how cold it was. The doctor chuckled.

"Cold gel, ain't it? Before I check for eggs or some babies, it's more likely you'll have eggs due to your heteromorph quirk. Alright. Tell me when you're ready." The doctor said. Keigo grabbed Toya's hand gently.

"I'm ready." Keigo said. With that, she attached the transducer onto the gel and moved it around until four eggs could be seen.

"Well, it looks like you've got four eggs in that belly. As expected from a bird heteromorph. Judging by their size, they should be coming out any day now." The doctor said. Keigo's face almost dropped. Any day now?

"It's only been six weeks." Keigo told the doctor.

"That's about average for a gestation period of a bird, and you're a lot like the bird your quirk is like." The doctor explained.

"But don't worry. They'll hatch in 21 days after being laid." She added. Keigo nodded. Toya nodded silently as well, overjoyed as he saw what was on the monitor. 4 little baby birds on the way. The doctor wiped off the gel with paper towels after detaching the transducer.

"Alright. You two are free to go now." She dismissed them. Toya picked Keigo up bridal style and carried him out of the doctor's office and to the car, putting his bird back down and opening the door for him, helping him get in and then he closed the door once Keigo was in. He got in the driver's seat and drove them back home. Doing the same thing he did getting Keigo in the car, he did the same thing, getting him out and carrying him back to their room and laying him down on the bed, laying down next to him and wrapping his arms around Keigo's stomach gently.

"I can't believe I'm going to lay 4 eggs in who knows how many days, for all I know that day could be tomorrow. It's gonna hurt." Keigo whimpered at the thought of it.

"I'll hold your hand the entire time. We're in this together, my love." Toya said. The blond sighed and laid his head on Toya's chest. The white-haired put a movie on to watch. More specifically, The Lion King. A classic.

About halfway through the movie, Keigo fell asleep on Toya's chest. Toya smiled and just rested his eyes, holding his bird close to him. He eventually drifted off to sleep as well.

A few hours later, Keigo woke up due to a sharp pain, and he grunted quietly. It was obvious what the pain was, contractions. But did they really have to start now? He felt another pain, but this pain was more a stretching pain. That's when he realized it. The eggs were coming already.

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