Chapter 2- Seeing Natsuo, Fuyumi, and Rei

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Toya and Keigo stepped foot into the hospital where Toya's family was. Keigo located the room, and Toya was in a rush to see them. He was running but made sure the bird was still with him by holding onto his hand. Once he made it to the room Enji was in, he paused. Did he come here to see Enji Todoroki? Or was he here to see Fuyumi and Natsuo and his mom? That answer was clear as day. He turned to Keigo and gave him a hug, the bird hugging back.

"You're really affectionate." Keigo chuckled.

"You know I haven't seen them in years. This is a big moment for me, birdie." Toya said.

"I know. I was just playing. Go get 'em, firefly." Keigo said, ruffling up the taller man's hair. The Todoroki smiled and nodded, entering the room. Enji was the first to see him.

"Dabi, what do you think you're doing entering here?" Enji questioned his own son, using his villain alias.

"I'm not here to see you. And it's Toya." He retorted. Rei was the first one to approach Toya, and when she did, she gently cupped his face.

"Toya, my baby. It's you, it's really you." Rei began to weep, and Toya gently wiped her tears away.

"I'm here, mom, I'm here." Toya looked to his younger siblings and smiled at them, kissing his mom's forehead and approaching them. He opened his arms wide, and both siblings flung into their older brother's arms, hugging him tightly.

"Natsuo, Fuyumi, I never thought I'd get to see you in person again." Toya hugged them both back.

"Toya.." Natsuo spoke at last.

"Why did you become a villain? Why didn't you return home?" Natsuo asked out of desperation.

"I was in a coma for 3 years. My childhood and my teenage years were ripped from me! By the time I woke up, I was 16, and I didn't remember where home was. But I remembered the pain I felt when my flames engulfed my body and the mountain. And Enji didn't even bother to check if I was there. He just assumed the worst had happened. He was too busy training Shoto. Then, I was recruited by the League. I actually felt alive for a while with my time with the League. I was treated like I was an actual person and not just a quirk." Toya spoke, glaring at Enji the whole time. Then he brought his mother closer to him, and he held onto them dearly.

"Enji Todoroki, I want you to know one thing. And that is if you lay so much as another finger on my mother, Fuyumi, Natsuo, or Shoto, I will use Flashfire Fist, or maybe even Prominence on you, and I won't care if I burn in the process, because at least I'll be there to protect them from you. I wasn't able to protect them before, but I can protect them now." There was poison laced in his words to his father, whose eyes were wide with fear. He knew Toya's flames were the hottest to exist. And he knew Toya meant what he said. He was lucky right now because if he hadn't been injured so greatly during the war, he might've been a pile of ashes created by his own son.

"I'm sorry I make you feel this way, Toya, my son." Was all Enji could get out.

"Save it. It's too late for apologies. I fought for your attention and your approval for 13 years. But I was never good enough." Toya said.

"I'm leaving. If you guys want to follow, it's your choice." He then said. Natsuo stood by his side. Fuyumi glanced at Enji, then at Toya. He noticed.

"You can stay with dad if you want, Fuyumi. Your call, not mine." Toya said reassuringly. Fuyumi silently waved to Enji and stood by Toya's side.

"I can visit you another day, dad." She said.

"And I can visit you another time as well." Rei said, joining them. Toya left the room and was met by his favorite bird.

"Oh, how cute. The family's all together again." Keigo said.

"Well, if it isn't my favorite bird." Toya said, linking arms with Keigo, who smiled.

"Are they a couple?" Fuyumi asked Natsuo.

"I don't know. Either way, I'm happy for Toya coming to his senses and getting out of the league." Natsuo said.

Rei smiled and nodded in agreement with Natsuo, but she didn't say anything directly. With that, the Todoroki family, minus Enji, and Keigo left the hospital building. Rei, Natsuo, and Fuyumi went home. Toya and Keigo stuck together.

They were at a pond, their shoes and socks off, and their feet dipped into the water.

"Wouldn't it be funny if a piranha or a fish jumped out of the pond and bit one or both of us?" Toya asked in a joking manner.

"You've got serious issues, Toya." Keigo said, but he did laugh.

"You never know. Say, did you know there's a fish thats species name is the Bony-eared assfish?" Toya asked, but he was serious this time.

"That exists?" Keigo was on the verge of laughing.

"Yeah, it looks up to its name. Look at it. It's hideous!" Toya pulled up a picture of the bony-eared assfish, and Keigo started uncontrollably laughing.

"Wow, it lives up to its name!" Both of them busted into laughter as Toya searched up more ridiculous animals. Then, Toya had a question.

"Do you know why birds are always chirping in the morning? I've always wondered that. Like, are they arguing or singing? Or both?" He asked.

"Both. But also, they're asking to get laid. That only happens in the springtime, though. Spring is mating season for birds." Keigo said.

"So they're singing, arguing, talking, or wanting to get laid. Interesting. Say.. Does the same apply to you? Like, do you have a mating season? Cause you are kinda a bird." Toya said. Keigo blushed brightly and hid his face with his wings.

"Yeah.. It's the same for me. But I don't have a mate. So it's hard when the season comes. I got nobody to help me with it. Not that I want help. I'm perfectly fine dealing with mating season on my own." Keigo said. Oh, what a bluff that was. He was the opposite of fine when it came to dealing with the season on his own.

"If I knew you were in heat, I'd help you." Toya teasingly joked. Or was he flirting? Keigo genuinely couldn't tell right now.

"Quit kidding around. You're not even my boyfriend. Why would you help me during my mating season?" Keigo asked.

"What if I said I want to be your boyfriend, pretty bird?" Toya asked, grinning.

"But we hardly even know each other." Keigo said.

"We can learn about each other later." Toya replied.

"You're serious right now?" Keigo asked.

"Of course I am. And if I'm not mistaken, you should be in your mating season if you're like a normal bird." Toya said with a playful smirk on his face.

"Then ask me." Keigo said.

"Will you be my boyfriend?"



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