Chapter 1- Making Amends With Shoto

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"Toya, I'm curious. Why do you want to talk to Shoto?" Keigo asked as he got a moment alone with the white-haired male.

"I want to apologize for treating him like shit. I left my younger siblings behind, and Shoto's the first one I need to apologize to. I almost killed him." Toya said.

"You did what now?" Keigo was surprised. If he had a cup of coffee, he would've spat it out. That's how surprised he was.

"I hated Shoto because he was our dad's favorite kid simply because of his quirk. Natsuo, Fuyumi, and I were basically forgotten when Shoto was born, and I sort of resented him because of it. But I realized hating him wasn't what I should've done." Toya said. Keigo silently nodded.

"You think you could use your feathers to find his dorm?" Toya asked Keigo.

"Yeah. I can use a feather to find his dorm." Keigo said, using a feather to locate Shoto's dorm.

"5F middle dorm on the left." Keigo said. Toya nodded and began to walk to the dorm with Keigo.

"Are you just going to follow me around, birdie?" Toya asked.

"I got nothing better to do. Plus, I don't feel like checking in on Endeavor while he recovers in the hospital." Keigo said with a shrug. Hearing the name Endeavor made Toya a little irritated, and Keigo noticed.

"I'm sorry -" He began.

"It's fine. Don't apologize. I know you work with my father. He may piss me off, but you don't. So don't apologize, okay, birdie?" Toya said.

"I'll try not to." Keigo responded. Toya chuckled and patted him on the back, then the shoulders, near his wings.

"At least let me talk to Shoto alone, though. I'd like it to be just me and him." Toya said. Keigo nodded.

"Of course. He's your brother. You two need some one-on-one time anyway, from what I can tell." Keigo replied. The white-haired one laughed and ruffled the bird's blond hair.

"Thanks, Keigo." He said, earning a nod in response. He knocked on Shoto's door. The younger Todoroki was shocked to see his older brother being the one knocking on his dorm door.

"Toya? What are you doing here? Are you going to try and kill me again? And.. what happened to your burns?" Shoto was reasonably filled with questions.

"I wanted to apologize for that day during the war where I tried to kill you. I was mad at our father, and I took it out on you because you've been his favorite since you were born. I was a terrible brother to you that day, and I want to make it up to you if you can forgive me. If not, I understand." Toya said with a calm tone in his voice. Shoto was silent for a moment as he processed this information.

"I'll need some time, but I think I'll be able to forgive you. Can I ask you one question, though, brother?" Shoto then asked.

"Of course. Ask me anything." Toya responded.

"Why did dad ignore Fuyumi and Natsuo and you after I was born?" That question made Toya's heart shatter. He would've never expected his little brother to ask such a thing.

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