Chapter 3- First Kiss

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A month has passed since Toya and Keigo began dating. They had gone on a total of 4 dates. One each week. Each time they went, they learned something new about each other. Keigo was still in his mating season, and he really wanted to mate, so his heat would settle down, but he felt it was too early for that. He wanted to give it at least a year, and he had already expressed that to Toya, who supported his decision. He was in no rush, and neither was Keigo. Sometimes, Toya would ask the stupidest questions Keigo's heard. Like the one he was about to ask as the bird laid on his lap.

"Hey, pretty bird?" Toya asked.

"Hmm? What is it, love?" Keigo asked, half-asleep.

"Since you're technically part bird, you think it would be possible for you to lay an egg?" He asked. That got Keigo wide awake, and he sat up on Toya's lap.

"I don't think that could be possible. I'm a guy. Male birds don't lay eggs, and male humans definitely can't get pregnant or lay an egg." Keigo answered, his face red. To be honest with himself, he wasn't sure if he could or couldn't.

"Ask me a question now. Can be anything, and I'll answer it honestly." Toya then said. Keigo brainstormed some questions, then decided on one he was most curious about.

"What did you look like when you woke up from your coma? Did the doctors ever show you?" He asked.

"Yeah, they did. I looked like a very fucked up burnt corpse. I surely wasn't very pretty to look at. I actually got a picture they showed me. Do you wanna see how burned I was?" Toya asked while laughing and pulling his phone out.

"Sure. I guess." Keigo said. Toya showed him the photo, and Keigo instantly gagged at the sight. How was that photo, and the man he was currently looking at, the same person?

"Fucking ugly, right? And to think, all of that was under the staples holding my skin together for the past 8 years." Toya said.

"Are you sure that's you? That guy is absolutely burned to a crisp." Keigo said.

"Yeah, I'm sure it's me in that photo. They confirmed it. I couldn't look at myself for the longest time because of it. It's a good thing Eri healed me when she did. Or people would've thought I was a corpse had my staples come undone and reveal what was underneath." Toya said.

"Well, I still think you are pretty good-looking. Burnt or not." Keigo said, brushing a hand over Toya's cheek, then giving him a sweet kiss on his other cheek.

"And I think you're the most gorgeous bird I've ever laid my eyes on." Toya said, a smile spread across his face. This was the happiest he's been in a long time.

"Oh, stop it. You're flattering me." Keigo said.

"You are, though. Y'know, this may be the happiest I've ever been. Even when we were still Dabi and Hawks, I still had a thing for you. I just thought you were taken by that rabbit hero, Mirko." Hearing this made Keigo laugh.

"Oh god, no. She's lesbian. And from what I can tell, I think she likes your sister. They've been meeting up a lot lately. Mirko's one to gossip and tells everything to me." Keigo responded with a grin.

"Well, she better be treating my sister like the damn queen she is. Or else." It was mostly in a joking tone, but his eyes were serious.

"I'll make sure to tell her that." Keigo chuckled, though now he was concerned of the what if portion of what Toya said. He could tell.

"Relax. I ain't gonna burn her to death if that's what you're thinking of." Toya said.

"Hey, Toya?" Keigo asked.

"What is it, honey?" Toya asked.

"If it is somehow possible that I can lay eggs like you were asking about, would you think of me any differently?" Keigo asked.

"Of course not. Why would I? I wouldn't have any reason to think of you differently." Toya said, gently pulling Keigo down to his bare chest.

"I dunno. I just thought maybe it'd weird you out or something." Keigo said, cuddling up to him.

"Well, if you ever end up laying an egg, I'd know that a little baby bird would be in there, and that little baby bird would be our child. I'd cherish that child with all of my heart." Toya said. Keigo could feel himself blushing.

"Really? And.. you wouldn't leave?" He was a bit worried for Toya's answer. What if he said yes?

"I ain't leaving you at all. You're stuck with me, my pretty bird." Toya said, kissing him. Keigo gladly kissed back, arms around Toya's neck, and Toya's arms around his waist. The kiss lasted for about a minute before both of them needed air, and Toya broke the kiss.

"Y'know, you're my first kiss." Toya said, smiling.

"You're my first kiss, too." Keigo responded, blushing a little.

"I assumed with how popular you are, you definitely would've had your first kiss way before you even met me. I'm glad to know I was also your first kiss, though." Toya replied, grinning widely. He was genuinely happy about being Keigo's first kiss.

"I've never liked someone like I like you. I kinda had a crush on you the moment I saw you." Keigo admitted. Toya's grin widened at this information.

"That's adorable." He said. Keigo blushed once again. Usually, it would be hard to make him blush, but Toya had been able to make him blush several times in their first week of becoming a couple, and it's been a full month since. There was just something about the way he said things that were so oddly romantic.

"I hate how easily you make me blush. It's like you're doing it intentionally." Keigo said.

"I think the reason I make you blush so easily is because I'm your boyfriend, and you love me." Toya said.

"You're my mate." Keigo said.

"I am?" Toya asked. Keigo looked at him.

"Yeah. You're my mate for life. I'm a lot like the animal my quirk is like." Keigo said.

"Which hawk might that be?" Toya questioned him.

"A red-tailed hawk." Keigo answered.

"Makes sense with the feathers. But like I already said, ya stuck with me now anyway." Toya responded.

"It's not like I'd want to be with anybody else." Keigo replied.

"Good. Call me possessive, but I don't think I could stand you being with someone else." Toya said.

"What if I said I'd enjoy you being possessive over me? How would you react?" Keigo then asked.

"I'd protect you with my life. If somebody else ever tried to flirt with you, I'd use my flames and burn them to ashes. And God forbid somebody laid their hands on you the wrong way. They'd be a pile of dust within a matter of a second." Toya said.

"I hope nobody would try to do that to me." Keigo said.

"If anybody ever tries to, they'll be dust before they even know what would hit them." Toya said. He was furious at the idea of somebody else touching his boyfriend.

"At least I know I have somebody to protect me." Keigo said with a soft smile.

"Damn right, you do. I'm not gonna let you get hurt, or worse, be taken advantage of. You're mine and mine alone." Toya said.

"And I'll be yours forever. Especially since you chose to ask to be my mate. So we're stuck with each other for the rest of our lives now." Keigo said, kissing him once more.

"And I definitely don't mind that."

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