Chapter 10- Talk In Bed

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It was night in Toya and Keigo's house. The kids were asleep, and so was Keigo. Toya remained awake. He had an odd feeling. He got out of bed quietly and used his quirk to see in the dark. He stopped when he heard rustling. He looked down. It was just Keigo shifting in his sleep. He sighed in relief but couldn't shake the paranoid feeling. Then he heard it. A bang from inside the house. It was coming towards the kids' bedrooms, and those flames increased intensity. Right now, the person was in the living room. He crept down the stairs to listen to what the person was saying. His heart dropped as he heard the man's mission. To kill Keigo, but why? What did he do? Did he even do anything? He didn't say anything out loud, and he crept closer to the living room. This man was a threat, and he needed to get rid of him. He was definitely going to burn himself badly, but he didn't care. His family was in danger at the moment. It hadn't even been a week, and his family was already in danger. He heard the man come up the stairs, and he retreated into the nursery. Silent, as to not wake his kids. He saw the man who was out to kill Keigo. He was an average looking guy.

"How many people are in the house, boss?" The man asked into a phone he was holding.

"It should be just Keigo. But check every room just in case." So they had no idea Toya lived with him. The man checked the nursery first, and Toya hid in the furthest corner, watching from afar.

"There's 4 babies in a nursery. Looks like they got a blue nightlight." The man reported.

"Strange. Whatever. Don't touch them. Focus on your mission." The boss said. The blue nightlight was actually Toya's blue flames. As the man stepped closer to Tsuki, Toya made his move and pinned the man onto the ground in a swift movement. He got into many street fights before he joined the league, so he knew what to do. He covered the man's mouth, burning it shut with his flames. The man couldn't scream, but he tried anyway.

"You made the wrong choice coming here. So now, you perish." Toya whispered into the man's ear as he burned him to death, using his quirk to his limits with Prominence Burn. He cleaned the ashes of the man and then burned the phone as well. The ashes went out of the window as well as the remains of the phone. Only the man's bones remained. He picked them up and scorched them so they looked like they were already decayed. He got rid of them and any other traces of the man that was in the house. He returned back to his and Keigo's bedroom and was able to fall asleep now that the problem was taken care of.

In the early morning, Keigo woke up on Toya's chest, observing his features as usual. His sharp eyes noticed the new burns on his knuckles, a little further down on his chest than before, and his leg. What did Toya do? He promised he wasn't going to use his quirk like that again. So why? He thought. And how didn't he wake up to fire burning? The burns were severe and purple. He used his quirk at his maximum limit, it seemed. He then pretended to still be asleep as Toya began to wake up from his sleep. Toya looked down at Keigo and smiled, knowing he was safe. He gently ran a finger through his hair. It was the same hand he had used his quirk with. Keigo pretended to wake up slowly, even though he was already awake.

"Good morning, my love." Toya said, his morning voice deep. In their year of living together, Toya hadn't spoken in the morning. Something happened last night that Keigo didn't know about.

"Good morning, love." Keigo said. The white-haired male smiled and leaned down, kissing him. Keigo kissed back, wrapping his arms around his neck. Toya wrapped his arms around Keigo's waist. His grip was a bit tighter than usual. Keigo pulled back from the kiss.

"Did something happen last night? You've got some new burns." Keigo pointed out.

"You sure you want to know?" Toya asked. So, something did happen last night without Keigo knowing.

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