Chapter 14- Pro-Hero Dabi In Action

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Two weeks ago, Toya had officially become a pro-hero. Surprisingly, most of the country was willing to accept his change. Crimes were on the daily occurrence, but none as bad since the war. Of course, Toya was determined to prove himself to the world to show that somebody like himself could make a great hero. He turned his life around, and he wanted to be a role model for people like him. He was in his hero costume and doing patrol around the area when he heard a cry for help. He dashed the direction he heard it and found a little girl who was lost.

"Hey, kid. I'm gonna help you find your way back home. Before I do, is it okay if I check for any injuries?" Toya asked as he kneeled down next to her. She nodded. He began checking for injuries. Sure enough, there were bruises on her arm. Toya felt his blood boil, but he remained calm.

"Who did this to you? Can you tell me?" Toya asked, his tone soft and concerned for her.

"I acted out, and my step-mom punished me." The little girl said. Toya frowned. He gently lifted the little girl up into his arms and started walking out of the alleyway he found her in. He started walking.

"I want you to point to anything that tells you we're getting close to your house. Can you do that?" Toya asked her as he walked with her in his arms. She nodded silently. He walked and she pointed when she saw something she remembered that was near her house. It was her dad's house.

"I'm gonna have a talk with your daddy. You go run and play, alright?" He asked. She nodded, and once he put her down, she ran up to her room.

"Sir. I would like to speak to you about your child's stepmother." Toya said.

"Alright." The father said. Toya took a step outside, and the father followed.

"Now, I'm not completely sure of the whole situation, but your daughter said she acted out, and her stepmother hit her as a punishment. Were you aware of this, sir?" Toya asked him. The man shook his head.

"I can't believe that woman. No. I didn't know. My poor little girl," the father began to weep. Toya embraced the man in a hug. The man's eyes widened, but he tightly hugged back.

"I think you should go to court with her stepmother. Are you married to the woman?" Toya asked.

"No. My ex-wife is. I only have her on weekends and some holidays." The father said.

"Take your ex-wife and the stepmother to court. Fight for full custody of your little girl. That's what I'd do." Toya said.

"I don't have the money for a lawyer." The man said.

"Then I'll help, and I'll even show up to the trial." Toya said.

"You would do that for a civilian like me?" The man asked.

"I've got two little girls and two little boys of my own. I'd hate if anything ever happened to them. I check them for injuries on the daily. The same applies to their father." Toya said. The man chuckled a little.

"Oh? Who's their father?" The man asked. Just then, Keigo showed up with little Tsuki in his arms.

"Hey, Dabi. Our baby phoenix wanted your attention and I couldn't find you until now. Mind taking him with you while I go do other hero work?" Keigo asked, Toya smiling and unwrapping his arms around the man and taking Tsuki into his arms.

"Thanks, darling. I'll see you after your patrol." Keigo flew off.

"Bye, Hawks. I'll see you shortly, my dear." Toya said with a chuckle as he watched him fly off. The man was in shock, to say the least.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2023 ⏰

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